Very Secure

Names of Scale Degrees and The Three Forms of Minor Scales

May 15th, 2020

A diatonic collection is a collection of 7 notes where each letter (A..G) is used exactly once.1

A scale is a stepwise ordering of a diatonic collection.

The tonic is the most prominent pitch in a scale. Playing the tonic gives a sense of resolution and subjectively is the best note for the end of a song/rift.

The full list of of the names of scale degrees in a major scale are:

1st degree = tonic
2nd degree = supertonic
3rd degree = mediant
4th degree = subdominant
5th degree = dominant
6th degree = submediant
7th degree = leading tone

A minor scale in its natural form contains the following intervals:


Note that a minor scale is also the aeolian mode of a relative major scale.

Because the 7th degree in the natural minor scale is no longer a semitone away from the tonic, the 7th degree is referred to as the subtonic instead of the leading tone.

The two other forms of the minor scale are the harmonic and the melodic.

The harmonic minor scale raises the 7th degree so it is once again a "leading tone." Its intervals are:


The melodic minor scale raises both the 6th and 7th degree one semitone to form the following interval pattern:


However when one descends the melodic minor scale one returns the 6th and 7th degree to their natural position.


A staff displaying the three forms of the A minor scale3:

  1. The convenience of being able to have a diatonic collection where, given the context, each note can be specified with only a letter is the reason for the existence of enharmonically equivalent pitches - i.e. two pitches with the same frequency but different name such as A# and Bb. []
  2. A "W" is a whole step i.e. two semitones, an "H" is a half step i.e. one semitone. To go up a semitone one increases the frequency of the previous tone by the twelfth root of 2. []
  3. Taken from The Complete Musician by Laitz. []

What I've Been Up To

May 14th, 2020

For the past few weeks I've been occupying my time by surfing, guitarring, and reading.

Poseidon recently blessed the west coast of Costa Rica with a swell that was reported 3m from trough to crest by magicseaweed. Prior to the arrival of this swell I had my best to date "on day" surfing; I managed to sneak my way into 3 front side barrels whilst in a crowded lineup. During the large swell I had two sessions where I managed to avoid being held down. But the last time I paddled out I let the lip of a wave crash on my back, leaving me sore for the next 30 hours.

While not in the water I've been spending a lot of time on the guitar.1 I found myself a maestro, Ruben Diaz, a student of Paco de Lucia who has a youtube channel with over 2,000 videos about playing flamenco guitar. I've been learning some music theory using, and I just began reading The Complete Musician by Laitz.

I've also taken some time on land to read a few plays. I started with Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew and Hamlet. Digesting Shakespeare is a bit tricky even though the scripts I read2 have summaries of all the scenes and provide definitions for archaic words/phrases. After reading those two Shakespeare's I moved on to Ibsen3 and read Ghosts, An Enemy of the People, The Lady From the Sea, John Gabriel Borkman, The Wild Duck, and Hedda Gabler. I also read How He Lied to Her Husband by Bernard Shaw. It may be worth writing a little plot summary and a short reflection for these plays lest they fade from memory.

I've been enjoying myself, but I have not been at ease knowing I've been shirking the responsibility I have to focus my time on more important tasks. Three of those are: writing, learning Spanish, and making money.4 If I start acting smarter about how I use my time, I can be productive while still leaving space for my hobbies.

  1. Learning an instrument being one of the better things to do while under house arrest. Not that I've been following the rules here, the beaches are still closed afterall. []
  2. Provided by the Folger Shakespeare Library []
  3. Translated by Rolf Fjelde []
  4. My saltmines faucet has been exhausted and if I want more fiat I'll have to look for more work. []

Trout, Steak, Pimiento Rojo con Queso, A Refreshing Pool, Aromatic Flowers in Butt, Pointy Metal Things on Butt - A Party With MP and Billymg

April 18th, 2020

I was supposed to post this article yesterday; I swear I have a good reason for having been distracted!

Billymg invited me to a party he hosted for mp & company. I was quite excited to meet them but hesitant on whether I should bring my new girl, Sara. I was concerned about potential... culture shock. But on the day of the party, the idea of not bringing her seemed absurd. So I asked her to come and a couple hours of later we drove in her jalopy to billymg's with a bag full of mangos, guacomole ingredients, and 3.5 bottles of wine.

I became a tad nervous the moment before meeting MP. It wasn't overwhelming nervousness, and I've been nervous just about every time I've met anyone in the flesh from #bitcoin-assets, #trilema, or #ossasepia. But I was spinning with thoughts about how I simultaneously wanted to make the most of the opportunity, have a good time, be respectful while not being sycophantic, etc. Perceptive Sara picked up on my mental state and used a magic relaxing kiss spell on me.

When we arrived the grill was being prepared by our gracious hosts while MP & girls were splashing around in the pool. The pool goers greeted me, and zomg holy shit they pronounced whaack as it should be pronounced.1 After handshakes and cheek kisses I 180'd back into the house to change into a bathing suit.

When I returned with my bathing suit on I saw the dissapointed face of nicoleci. You see, Sara had rolled up these nice looking "joints," but those "joints" were filled with tobacco instead of the green stuff. ~"What long haired surfer shows up to a party without ganja?" Fair question.

While we drank warm-up drinks and splashed around in the pool, our hosts started working the grill. That grill soon pumped out trout, steak, and chicken. MP noted that trout is one of the hardest fish to grill, but he pointed this out only after the trout was succesfully grilled by billymg. The tasty trout was accompanied by magnificent mushrooms, ravishing red peppers2, splendid salads, and great guacomole.

Some steak needed cutting and MP assigned nicoleci the task. As MP explained, while a restaurant can give you a nice steak, that steak always misses the sweet flavor that comes from slavegirl sweat as she struggles with her dull knife to mince meat on a plate3 that itself is on a wobbly table. Sara watched nicoleci with concern. Eventually she couldn't handle the spectacle and came to nicoleci's rescue. As Sara adeptly cut the steak, MP explained to an impressed nicoleci that in order to get a Spanish passport, at age 18 each Spanish girl must demonstrate her ability to wield a knife in front of a committee. Failure to show adequete skill results in * cut throat gesture. *

As for drinks, we had rum, tequila, and wine from our 3.5 bottles. MP suggested using one of the bottle's of wine for making a sangria. Sara protested strongly with a horrified face. ~"You can't use nice wine for sangria!" ~"I have an idea. Maybe whaack will tie you up and you'll be made to watch bottle after bottle of wine wine turn into sangria in front of your own eyes. mwhahaha" At the end of the night each bottle had a little bit of wine left - in college these are referred to as wounded soldiers. Really they are evidence of optionaity.

After a couple of group tequilla shots; the women went for a bonus mango and tequila shot. We all learned that tequila and mango do not mix. Seriously, the mango coagulates or something.

We stumbled back to the pool. Some jumped in, while others were pushed in. Billymg's piscina is surrounded by trees that drop these wonderfully smelling flowers. The fallen flowers have a firm stem a couple of centimers long that is useful for placing the flower in a girl's hair, behind their ear, or in any orface of your choice.

The next morning we woke up earlier than everyone else. Or at least we left billymg's slut storage room cabina earlier than everyone else. We took some of the time to walk through the jardin de magnos, which was beautiful although fruitless. I mean we got something out of it, namely nice nudes, there was just literally no fruit. After our walk we packed the car to head out. Sara has a few pets. Since we didn't know we'd be staying the night, she had not provided them with provisions.

Pressed by her urge to give water to her animals went to say goodbye, but instead wound up doing a hello, we must be going routine. We stayed a couple more hours for breakfast. During that breakfast I learned an important health tip when Sara applied a generous amount of salt while preparing eggs. MP told her to stop and informed us that consuming salt wears down the kidneys and makes life's clock tick faster.

As we were lounging around after breakfast and splendid Turkish coffee,4 MP noticed Sara scratching me with a fork. He told her that he had a better tool for her purpose and asked if we knew what a wartenberg wheel was. We did not; so hanbot brought one to the table. In case you didn't know what a wartenberg wheel is:


We left after breakfast.5 Thank you billymg & co for hosting and thank you MP & co for coming!

  1. Most pronounce it "whack" as in, "he whacked you with a stick," but since my last name, Haack, is pronounced like the bird, "hawk," it makes most sense to pronounce my nick like the word, "walk." []
  2. infused with cheese bombs []
  3. instead of a cutting board []
  4. The preperation of which requires barefoot women and semibroken electric stoves. []
  5. When we arrived back we learned Sara's dog hadn't even finished the little bit of water she did leave for him. []

Awareness of Eventual Death

April 16th, 2020

I have not yet experienced the lost of a loved one. I was alive during the death of all 4 of my grandparents, but those deaths occurred before I was old enough for them to emotionally affect me. Outside of family, I can only recall a few distant acquaintances whose time has come. I've been to 1, maybe 2, funerals in the last 10 years. Perhaps my lack of experience with the related pain is what gives me a positive outlook on death.

I think a proper understanding of death should lead one to live closer to the edge. Being overly cautious, say by staying indoors because of the possibility of giving or contracting a virus, puts too much value on ephemeral life.1 A life is not worth living at all if it's spent bunkered up in a cave.

All organisms die, but only humans know they will die. I try to use this knowledge when I want to reason myself out of fear. Since death is anyways inevitable, why not risk it at times? Not pointlessly, like by driving without a seat belt. Meaningfully, like by shooting at police.

The most beautiful aspect of death is that it gives meaning to each moment. If we lived in ignorance of our eventual demise then we would not have the constant urgency that summons action. Were it not for the insistent tik-tok of life's clock, we wouldn't know to hold one another tightly when we kiss.

  1. I guess it's natural for nature to select for this behavior. The Darwinian process doesn't care about whether the life of an organism is fulfilling. []

The crowd rejoices as Pastor who decried 'hysteria' dies after attending Mardi Gras

April 13th, 2020

The article Coronavirus: Pastor who decried 'hysteria' dies after attending Mardi Gras (archived) has been written on various "news" outlets. Can you picture the self-righteous grin of those who enjoy the death of he who dares question the severity of their beloved coronavirus - the scapegoat for all their problems?1 That the coronavirus-denier was a pastor gives the article the extra flavor it needs for the consumption of the public. The pastor was a God loving man, and thus in addition to being a denier he was also a heretic who promotes the main competitor religion to the religion of the state.

This article's popularity and the positive response to the global home arrest have been disheartening. I can't say I'm surprised, but it is difficult to listen to the applause the police have received for flexing their authoritarian muscles.2 Apparently a drop of fear was all that was needed to have everyone be not only complacent with, but actively encouraging, the mutilation of the first amendment.3

I gather that no matter how this plays out, those that deny the severity of the virus4 will have no way to be vindicated. Either the stats of coronavirus deaths will be over reported or the lack of deaths will be attributed to the we-did-it-reddit crowd who have found a way to congratulate themselves for sitting around doing nothing.

  1. I am wary to the possibility that the target audience is a person like me - someone imagining the self-righteousness of some other (non-existant) person that reads the article. But I do not think this is the case. []
  2. Police opening fire on surfers is okay now; they were just shooting warning shots. []
  3. That amendment includes the right to peacefully assemble, remember? Who am I kidding, the US and its citizenry have never cared about or followed that constitution thing. And anyways, on the railroad tracks of alleged rights one can but trudge. []
  4. A week ago I was doubtful about whether there was any virus at all; it seems likely that this whole shebang is due to the media spotlight shining on vaguely related respiratory illnesses. This view caused my girl to be a tad annoyed with me as I was previously rolling my eyes whenever the topic of the deadliness of the coronavirus came up. So per her request to get an opinion that comes from outside my circle of "hacker friends" I spoke to another friend who is working as a doctor in the alleged epicenter of the virus - New York.

    He told me that the test for coronavirus is legitimate (and if anything too prone to false negatives) and that there are numerous patients dying from complications caused by the coronavirus itself (as opposed to dying from something else while merely carrying the virus.) He stated that NY hospitals are indeed overwhelmed and that the makeshift hospitals are necessary to handle the overflow of patients. So although I believe governments are seizing this opportunity to gain more power, from my angle it now appears that the coronavirus is a real illness causing a non-neglible number of deaths. []

TheFleet - Next Steps With Data Collection

April 3rd, 2020

So far TheFleet logged 52 out of 100 attempted networks.1I began logging another batch of 45 networks on Fleet2. Fleet3 is currently inactive and waiting for assignment.

Before giving Fleet3 its next assignment, I need to pay some technical debt. The programs I use to query the irc networks for their metadata2 are poorly written and undocumented.

Channel-snagger, the program used for grabbing the list of all channels, needs to be rewritten. It currently keeps a cache of the list of channels for individual networks and never updates this cache. This made sense when I first used the program, but now the networks' channel lists are stale. I could simply clear the cache, but the better solution is to make the program more efficient and reliable so caching is not required at all.

Another quirk of the channel-snagger is the makeshift way it handles the ping/pong dance with the servers. Networks require a ping in response to their pongs every N seconds. As a half-hearted attempt to keep the connection alive, I hard coded channel-snagger to send one ping after 30 seconds. Otherwise channel-snagger has no ping/pong logic. So if it takes too much time to receive the channel list from the network, the connection may be dropped for failure to perform the ping/pong routine. This can be fixed by refactoring channel-snagger so that it extends ircbot, which implements a proper ping/pong thread.

The code that queries the network for its maximum number of channels allowed per nick also needs a rewrite. It currently exists as a disorganized clump of scripts. I plan to consolidate them into the channel-snagger.

The above components are ultimately needed for keeping an up to date pool of the next channels to assign for logging. The only other missing element I can think of is a process for removing networks/channels that have already been logged (or have been deemed unloggable) from this pool. Once I have a system I am content with for assigning the next channels to my VMs running TheFleet, I will plan how to analyze the collected data.

  1. For a network to be considered logged, at least 1 channel in the network was logged for 2 continuous weeks without any 1 interruption lasting more than 30 minutes. []
  2. Their list of channels and their max number of channels allowed per nick. []

The First Batch of TheFleet's Logs

April 1st, 2020

To view TheFleet's first batch of logs, setup postgres,1 create a user named "thefleet", grant thefleet all privileges on schema public, and create a database named "fleetbotdb".2 Then download and load one of the two sql files that contain the collected data.

fleet2 sql tarball
fleet3 sql tarball

Instructions with commands:

Download the tar of the logs. (You can switch fleet2 to fleet3)

tar -zxvf thefleet2_mar_27_2020.sql.tar.gz; 

Create a home for TheFleet logs by creating a user and database.

su postgres

create user thefleet;
create database fleetbotdb;
grant all privileges on schema public to thefleet;

Load the .sql file into the created db and test to make sure you have at least a couple million rows in the irclog table.

psql -U thefleet fleetbotdb < thefleet2_mar_27_2020.sql

psql -U thefleet fleetbotdb
select count(*) from irclog;
  1. For installing Postgres on Centos6 you can look at the relevant section in my guide to setting up logbot. Name your postgres user thefleet and your database fleetbotdb. []
  2. You can make your life easier by opening pg_hba.conf (found at /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/pg_hba.conf on my machine) and changing local connections so that they don't require a password by setting the last value in the column to "trust":

    # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
    local   all             all                                     trust
    # IPv4 local connections:
    host    all             all               trust


Notes on Regular Expressions

March 31st, 2020

In my effort to increase my knowledge of the tools that comprise the linux command line, I've taken the time to review how to use regular expressions by reading a short guide written in 1991. Below are my notes.


Regular expressions are used to search for lines of text that match a specific pattern. RE's match text on a per line basis - they do not match patterns that start on one line and end on another.

Characters used for regular expressions can be placed into one of three categories: anchors, character sets, and modifiers.

Anchors are used to specify the position of the pattern in relation to a line of text. Character Sets match one or more characters in a single position. Modifiers specify how many times the previous character set is repeated.

I. Anchors

Two anchor characters are "^" and "$". They are used to match to the beginning and end of a line respectively.

The characters "\<" and "\>" are anchors as as well, see the modifier section below for their details.

II. Character Sets

A simple character set is "hello", this will match "hello" anywhere in the text.

The "." wildcard matches any character.

Characters inside square brackets "[]" match to a character if the character equals any 1 of the characters inside the square brackets.

^[012345689]$ will match a single digit that is not the digit 7.

Square brackets can be used with a shorthand range notation. This shorthand notation can include multiple ranges.

^[0-9]$ is equivalent to ^[0123456789]$

[A-Za-z0-9_] will match a single number, letter, or underscore.

Multiple character sets can be combined by placing them adjacent to each other. Placing a "^" before a character set matches to all characters *except* what is in the brackets.

[aeiou][^aeiou] matches a vowel followed by a non-vowel.

To include a "-" in a character set one can place "-" directly after the opening square bracket. To include a "[" or a "]" one can use an escape backslash.

[-0-9] will match a "-" or a digit.
[-\]] will match a "-" or a "]".

III. Modifiers

The asterisk "*" matches zero or more copies of the previous character set. To match one or more of the previous character set, one can repeat the character set before placing the asterisk.

[0-9][0-9][0-9]* will match a number with 2 or more digits.

To match a character set to text that repeats that character set within a specific range of times, one can use "\{" and "\}". Note that this is an example of when a backslash, normally used to escape characters, causes a character to have a function within a regular expression. Backslashes enabling a special function occurs when the backslash is placed before a "<" or ">" or "{" or "}" or "(" or ")" or a digit.1

[A-Z]\{3,5\} will match 3-5 upper case letters.

The possible values for x and y in \{x,y\} are 0-255. If the y value is omitted, the character set can be repeated x or more times. If the comma is also omitted then the character set must repeat exactly x times.

To search for words, character sets are placed between "\<" and "\>".

"\<[tT]he\>" will match the word "the" (but not to a word containing "the" such as "other".)

Backreferences - i.e. matching to a previously found pattern - are made using "\(,\)" and "\1".

"\([a-z]\)\1" will match two adjacent identical lower case letters.

Extended Regular Expressions

egrep and awk use extended regular expressions. ERE's do not have the characters whose special meaning are activated via backslash - "\{" , "\}", "\<", "\>", "\(", "\)" .

ERE's have two modifiers not found in basic regular expressions:

"?" matches to 0 or 1 instances of the character set before.
"+" matches to 1 or more isntances of the character set before.

Extended Regular Expressions have a special meaning for the "(" "|" ")" - these characters allow "or" functionaity - allowing one to match a choice of patterns.

"(From|Subject}" will match either "From" or "Subject".


After reviewing the guide I was left wondering: for basic regular expressions, how does one match a string2 that appears between x and y times in a row. For example:

Say I want to match to a line that contains 2-4 adjacent ha's and no more, i.e. either:


I discovered that one can combine the special characters "\(,\)" with the special characters "\{,\}"

A regex that matches the above three lines, and only the above three lines, is:


  1. This awful design comes from an effort to maintain backwards compatibility for old regular expressions that were written before these functions were introduced. []
  2. And not just a single character. []

TheFleet Test Run Results

March 29th, 2020

Over the past few weeks I attempted to log about 2,500 channels across 100 IRC networks. TheFleet ran on 2 VMs named Fleet2 and Fleet3.1 Fleet2 was originally logging ~80 networks, but after about 9 days the program crashed from running out of memory. I restarted Fleet2, and to reduce the chance of the OOM problem repeating,2 I set Fleet2 to log only 35 networks.

The summary of the data collected:3

VM 1 - "Fleet2"

Began logging on March 4th, 2020 at 23:42 UTC and ended logging on March 27th, 2020 at 21:42 UTC.

Logged 2,490,376 IRC messages.

Attempted to log 35 networks.4

Managed to produce logs for 17 of the 35 attempted networks.

Joined 547 channels and succesfully logged 463.5

VM 2 - "Fleet3"

Began logging on February 21st, 2020 at 03:41 UTC and ended logging on March 28th, 2020 at 21:46 UTC.

Logged 5,160,930 IRC messages.

Attempted to log 65 networks.6

Managed to produce logs for 35 of the 65 attempted networks.

Joined 1929 channels and successfully logged 578.7

  1. You may be curious as to what happened to Fleet1. I had a problem with digitalocean's service. I lost the ability to SSH into my machine and could not recover access. I never started logging with TheFleet on this VM, so I gave up trying to regain access and instead created a new VM. []
  2. I still do not have an understanding of what causes/caused my program to spike in memory usage. I plan to continue with my band-aid solution of logging fewer networks per VM while I work to increase my understanding of how my program and computers in general manage memory. []
  3. To count a channel as successfully logged I allowed for an unlimited number of disconnections as long as each of them individually did not last more than 30 minutes. []
  4. MaddShark, LunarIRC, LUGS,, KewlFun, Italian-Amici, IRDSI, IrcWorld, IRCstorm,, ircHax0r, IRCFreakz, IRC2,, IndoGaul, Immortal-Anime, IdleChat, Hub4Ever.Org,, Griefplay, GreekIRC, GreekChat, Gotham, Global-Irc.Org, GIMPnet, GigaIRC, German-Elite, Genscripts, GeekShed, GeekNode, FyreChat, Futuragora, FreeUniBG, ForumCerdas, ForeverChat []
  5. Networks where TheFleet joined at least 1 channel but in the end was not able to successfully log any channel: IRDSI,, GreekIRC

    Successfully logged channels:

    GeekNode: #bitcoin, #troll-gloo, #vdmbot, #pr0nfactory, #RMLL2014-mpl, #aigris, #ffdn-mastodon, #testtest, #aprilchat, #marsnet, #edmsio, #quadrature-ops, #gresille, #34c3, #cfai-lr, #fleurix, #ffdn-suivi, #ffdn-dn42, #alternatives87, #gixopdop, #louvilug, #iloth-ca, #neocade, #fdn-projets, #style-python-dev, #3wa-staff, #lae, #monodon, #minecraft_chiantos, #rezine, #lau, #TERRORIMSE, #Midways-Network, #planete-ASM, #AuvernIX, #adipolab, #vlsk, #ilerouge, #homomachinus, #esigetel, #Midway, #ph7net, #geekfault, #dadazedazeaz, #ldn, #tilima, #hivane, #partipirate, #Troll, #franciadmin, #alternp, #joron, #sudix, #manip,, #Magellan, #ceriz-admin, #pouetpouet, #cuisine, #larevolutionrousse, #thinkcode, #axinite-staff, #globenet, #chadoc, #freebsd,, #sporthi, #elament, #SCANI, #fosdem, #style-potins, #nniiiaaaaaa, #funlab, #hadoly, #ffdn-formation, #octogen, #evilirc, #hackerspacerouen, #style-python, #vic, #duchesse, #hmm-la-bd, #ppmp, #fdn2, #illyse-admin, #rmllbe, #42admin, #picnat, #arn, #united, #Aqualitad, #RPG, #Chikoumi, #ewo, #ffdn-bistro, #yolorandom, #pp-ektek, #april, #wireless-fr, #RadioAutiste, #Latex, #axinite, #RMLL_2018, #exe-dev, #miricorps, #LaboLyon, #sameswifi, #CnedSIO, #geeknode, #capitole, #betaseries, #Jeanne_D'Hack, #lockpicking-fr, #cryptoloutre, #rmll-noc, #igwan, #tdn, #annarx,, #pe, #pan, #gitoyen-tech, #virtualisation, #42, #staffwm, #wdntw, #testwm, #pclight, #extrifusstory, #ndh, #geeknodecamp, #grenode, #naivart, #Tealer, #pp_ploire, #franctest, #mycelium, #francinet, #AuverNET

    German-Elite: #secnews, #aspies, #meinchan, #drehtür, #Nasu_gaming, #reallife, #talk, #shizetag, #german-elite, #magick, #quizfueralle, #QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ, #eule, #serienjunkies,, #Mathematik, #schwanz, #leechomatics, #lecters-cafe, #joschi, #kontrolle, #maniacommunity, #platinum, #talk-signal, #informatik, #Dexit.Party, #subcentral, #hive, #ru2, #music, #soso, #german_alliance, #brains-sub-chan, #froschinger, #beastarium, #hoerbuch, #, #bsd, #froschi, #wbc-exil, #FrinkC, #rcbintern, #kde-kirigami, #nerds, #shadowlamb, #mo, #Nachhilfe, #planetopia, #Unique-Board, #windows, #diamonds, #alietsche,, #debian, #fotografie, #konsoleros, #hackers,, #coding, #klagemauer, #linux, #helper

    FreeUniBG: #belene, #manutd, #test, #balchik, #Sexy, #Bulchat,, #juventus, #plovdiv, #Game, #kex, #viva, #cska, #bourgas, #FreeZNC, #Bulgaria, #svalki, #Jambol,, #starazagora, #OnlineDJRadio, #5on5, #Dimitrovgrad, #youtube, #metal, #extreme, #shell, #breakdance, #debian, #welcome, #lamerzone, #gotham, #teteven, #Linux, #pleven, #real, #sofia, #IRC, #chatpat, #Rakovski, #alcoholic, #30-40, #Sladur, #London, #svishtov, #lovech, #ignore, #NorthSide, #realchat, #tyrnovo, #Sliven, #sex, #Varna, #burgaz, #burgas, #linuxhelp, #IRCHelp, #ruse,, #refresh, #novazagora, #empire, #radio, #shivachevo, #velingrad, #20-30, #doom, #Sweet, #overwatch, #BestShells, #VIP

    Italian-Amici: #TriviaTime, #IRCHelp, #chatitalia, #Divx-Italia, #InFiniTY, #eggdrop, #amici-radio, #vhost, #services, #amici-radio-staff

    Genscripts: #WRnet, #Mapantz, #Genscripts, #speedy

    Futuragora: #ajuda, #cosmos, #zeitgeist, #tecnoponics, #lobby, #IRCBrasil, #opers, #fadev, #feed, #radio, #futuragora, #tvp #langochat, #SpamFilter, #aide

    FyreChat: #kosekroken, #kosebakken, #help, #vana-commits, #!, #fyrechat, #sandbox

    ForeverChat: #rto, #attractmode, #emuchina, #tosecdev, #MFM, #redump, #MFM-dev, #tosec2.0, #roms4italy, #tosec, #wii-rush, #castroom, #rawdump, #PRCows, #oldemuisos, #foreverchat, #aumame, #RomShepherd, #emulab, #gipsforfun, #collectors, #romvault, #retrofe, #retrogamers, #ut99redirect, #retrodatorer, #therealconacrew, #rivalroms, #mame, #RocketLauncher, #gaming.tombstones, #NGC-PAL, #CAX_hackathon, #vgm, #ssotk, #discord, #darkwater, #uconn

    IRC2: #bit-tech, #insane, #gettoduma, #muhely, #zirc, #V1X, #linux, #autocad, #depresszo, #civil3d, #pc-muhely, #tarskereso, #carp-kviz, #asd, #blender, #30_feletti

    Griefplay: #empireoftanks, #wh40k, #worstheap, #thedancefloor, #irchelp, #ff14, #hearthstone, #starbound, #eve-online, #failheap, #RasberryPi, #griefplay

    IRCFreakz: #ninja, #idlerpg, #australia, #eggdrops, #SaD, #sydney, #Trains,, #Melbourne, #cncirc, #pc-talk, #ircfreakz, #quiltchat, #axon

    ircHax0r: #servers, #irpg, #sec

    KewlFun: #War, #kewlfun, #Yahtzee, #Profiles, #seen, #truelies

    ForumCerdas: #black_sky, #makassar, #satu, #jakartashells, #Yogyakarta, #ForumCerdas, #dsnnet, #abocy, #games, #makmur, #dago25, #depok, #alowaini, #malang, #bitcoin, #medan, #ukhuwah, #game, #batu, #smart, #rusuh, #mp3, #irene, #waroeng, #bot, #our, #jogjakarta, #kediri, #radio

    Global-Irc.Org: #egghelp, #formula1, #GlobaL-CreW, #syslog, #eggies, #idlerpg, #mp3passion-chat, #services, #worldofwarcraft, #hhchat, #friends, #twitter, #opers, #vhost, #speelhal, #walhalla, #movieplanet, #digitalcity, #cservice, #monitoring

    Hub4Ever.Org: #Rock_in_Roll, #brasil, #Linux, #DreaMule-German, #ahummm, #denis, #, #minasgerais, #DreaMule-English, #hub4ever, #Offtopic-Spanish, #Rodrigo, #DreaMule-French, #Games, #Ajuda, #idle, #Bots []

  6. UniBG, ShadowWorld.Net, QuickFox, DarkerNet, DALnet, Cognet, freenode, IRCsource, Chatters, Blafasel,, ZwergenIRC, Zoite, zeolia, Xerologic, WNet, UplinkIRC, UKChatBox, TwistedNet, Tweakers, TripSit, TransAdvice, tm-irc, Teepi,, synIRC,, SwiftIRC,, Subluminal, Striked,, Snyde, SlashNET, SKYROCK, SiberChat.Org, ShadowFire, SceneP2P, SA-IRC, RootWorlD, RisposteInformatiche, RelicNet, RelaxedIRC, Recycled-IRC, PurpleSurge, PSIGenix,, PowaNet,, Pilgerer,, P2PChat, P2P-NET,,, Otaku-IRC, Omninet, NFNet, Netrusk, []
  7. Networks where TheFleet joined at least 1 channel but in the end was not able to successfully log any channel:
    NFNet, TwistedNet, WNet, MagicStar, DALnet, ZwergenIRC, zeolia, UniBG, Mibbit,, PurpleSurge, Pilgerer, P2P-NET, SA-IRC, Tweakers, Subluminal, SwiftIRC,, Zoite, Snyde, PowaNet,,, synIRC, IRCsource,, Otaku-IRC

    Successfully logged channels:

    ShadowFire: #slow, #deathrow, #greytower,, #otc, #triumvirate, #chat, #chase, #hack, #selfharm, #shadowfire, #chucknorris, #americas_army, #warble, #finsprite, #avatarshq, #eve, #bandofbrothers, #monkeybong, #programming, #GTClassroom, #ut, #warez, #tatsi, #insolence, #diablo2, #pimpsanonymous, #non-bus, #wow, #afrikaans,, #jeffftest, #guildwars, #weezel, #tempus-test, #elsewhere, #compsci, #tempus, #avatars, #obliq2, #Dent-O-Soft, #zagamers, #tce, #home, #jefff

    DarkerNet: #net.goth

    tm-irc: #de.wikipedia.huggle, #en.wikipedia.huggle, #irc, #simple.wikipedia.huggle, #serviceslog, #es.wikipedia.huggle, #no.wikipedia.huggle, #GrumpyChat, #konnectirc, #support, #meta.wikimedia.huggle, #area51, #opers, #petan, #staff, #pt.wikipedia.huggle

    Recycled-IRC: #KAISHII-FANSUB, #ANIMES-XDCC, #kigen, #linux, #Mangas-Arigatou, #Help-Fansub, #R0bust, #azk-vip, #honeypot04, #TEAM_OHZORA, #GENSOTEAM, #slam_dunk_fansub, #waazaa, #ZEROFANSUB, #Chuushin-Equipe, #help, #g-corp, #ASGARD-PROJECT, #zero-absolu, #frenchzfourtout_chat, #gabou, #ARCADIAN-PROJECT, #honeypot06, #APPLEFIELD_PROJECT, #MOONLIGHT_PROJECT, #shareyuken, #frenchzfourtout, #loups-garous, #roswell, #SFTD.requests, #SFTD.invite, #disku, #news, #oxygene, #Nyawko, #SOT, #ebooks, #pornparadise, #share-movies, #nt3, #foret, #ah-work, #YYH_Fansubs, #enjoy-hosting, #issekigan-animes, #AONOSCANTRAD, #staff-mirage, #p-claymore, #mibu-fansubs, #tenebreuse, #mangaart, #PREDISTRO-TF, #S&T, #honeypot20, #honeypot23, #ouifm, #JOHNNY-SUBS, #sokaoa, #YU-GI-OH!_FANSUBS, #MIRAGE-STAFF-BAKUMAN, #AH-SECRET, #honeypot21, #honeypot22, #honeypot25, #honeypot24, #honeypot27, #honeypot26, #honeypot29, #honeypot28, #TG, #Soumission-Dressage-Esclave, #numero_du_slot, #inulogic, #TOUCH_PRODUCTIONS, #soai-no-naka, #epoke, #honeypot14, #honeypot15, #honeypot16, #honeypot10, #honeypot11, #honeypot12, #honeypot13, #honeypot18, #honeypot19, #irf, #Eden, #Team_25, #ogs-team, #SASALAND, #INFECTIOUS, #RNK-FANSUBS, #honeypot09, #honeypot08, #honeypot03, #honeypot02, #honeypot01, #honeypot07, #honeypot05, #moches, #extAsia, #SUB-NO-NAKAMA, #honeypot17, #NEMESIS, #Briggs, #silex, #scripts, #neoryu-team, #tglobe, #mft, #oldies-fansub, #potos&co, #korben, #azk-check, #pcm, #shinsekai_STAFF, #SPACE, #Asgard-private, #Nemesix, #mofo, #azk-team, #pangya-fr, #EIEN-NO-KIMOCHI, #honeypot30, #The_Eden, #ANIME-HEART, #iNFEXiOUS-ViP, #nt3-staff, #sexe, #wtf, #workforce, #geekeries, #irf-test, #azk-recrute, #issekigan-staff, #SHINSEKAI, #hayakutrad, #darkside

    Chatters: #gatherstyle, #ppm, #jokes-gr, #rock-cafe, #linux, #cs.gather, #test123, #chatters, #enforcers, #uno, #Zougla-ops, #sex

    RootWorlD: #RocK-HeLP, #ATOLLO-FRIENDS, #irchelp

    TransAdvice: #tss, #ops, #stuff, #politics, #opers, #social, #lobby, #geeks, #bopm, #wiki, #support, #420, #mtf, #lobby-nsfw

    P2PChat: #German, #shareaza-french, #Shareaza-Portuguese, #Shareaza-Dutch, #shareaza-Italian, #Trivia, #shareaza-dev, #thebighack, #shareaza-chat, #diapergals, #shareaza-Arabic, #sharelin, #xdcc, #botpark, #Shareaza-Russian, #Shareaza-Polish, #help, #stux-notes, #p2pchat, #shareaza, #crawler, #Morpheus, #Shareaza-Spanish, #alternative, #razaops, #operhelp

    Netrusk: #agelidProd, #linux62, #wafonly, #cul, #heroeschronicles, #terrasse, ##linux, #services, #dehors, #blabla, #Saloon, #jdr, #clan_drows, #poissonrouge, #backroom, #templars, #aide, #sp4nk-test, #secret, #agelidTest, #PUC, #fsmsb, #marchéspublics, #yevon, #privanst, #maps, #linux, #blatest, #yop, #secrets, #anst, #celibataire-fr

    RisposteInformatiche: #Risposte_Informatiche, #raccontieros, #capre, #CAH, #caiusmaximus, #IRCHelp, #ADeltaX, #libera_chat, #olga, #vHost, #Enrico, #Minecraft, #largodellosvago, #mangaring, #Dragone2, #risoluto, #PA, #PokeMMO

    RelaxedIRC: #doghouse, #movies4earth-chat, #Freedom-zone-chat, #tv-caps, #Freedom-zone, #LimitLessChat, #movies4earth, #siosios #zavislaci-admins, #zavislaci, #bcserv4, #bcserv5, #the-lounge

    QuickFox: #4paws, #ash-fox, #Reakt0r, #SIN, #psystra, #gimpgirl, #insilico, #insilico.bots, #Quickfox, #void, #cumboys, #insilico.north, #IceRealm, #yiffle, #subnova, #help, #looney, #IS.East.1, #IS.East.2, #exodus #Metal, #linux

    TripSit:, #tripsit1, #tripsitters, #welcome #dj-ops, #justicequest, #frozzbozz, #awesomeradio, #One_Day_At_A_Time

    UKChatBox: #help, #UKChatBox

    Striked: #starburst, #d&d, #xenophase, #boobies, #rawr, #ashtear, #unreal, #idle

    SlashNET: #newtotse, #skulserve, #perlmonks, #lp301, #CriticalFailures, #lp201, #xkcd-music, #pugglewump, #mineraft, #xkcd-sciencefiction, #offtopic, #m-ei, #newrepublic, #innercircle, #newswire, ################################, #kotkamafia, #SETI@home, #zotsluts, #tagmods, #sex, #死, #☭, #paforums_tf2, #boringman, #bucketlog, #pax_gw2, #nricciar, #geohashing, #xkcd, #REDinfo, #idiots-club, #shakespeare, #jupiter, #retrocomputing, #gmg.minecraft, #thegentlemanloser, #codelove, #help, #xkcd-gaming, #xkcd-coding, #eccentric, #LTI_OTR, #℻, #omgcheckplease, #xkcd-signal, #secret-channel, #compsci, #pax_ffl, #twowords, #death, #urination_fans

    ShadowWorld.Net: #ZZZzzzz, #sanctuary, #AAaasstt, #_zzZZZzzz, #cybex.bots

    Teepi: #tribu, #musique, #pcinpact-linux, #asw, #aide, #cab, #wic, #teepi

    UplinkIRC: #minecraft, #UplinkCorp, #jgkamat_, #defcon, #multiwinia, #darwinia, #usurper, #xplice, #wow #just4fun, #newnigma2, #newnigma2-np, #oscam, #linux, #!/bin/sh, #schaildisoft, #2k5, #newnigma2-team, #Hilfe, #ump, #Treffpunkt

    Xerologic: #ux-chat, #COSMIC, #apps, #MP3JAROCHOS, #ultra-xero, #MASTERWAREZ, #TH3D3N, #zuul-central-xdcc, #pwnd, #scorpio, #xboxland, #1warez, #warez, #moviegods, #toonland, #tdz, #beast-xdcc, #UX-BOTS, #console-world, #search, #psp-moviez, ##COSMIC-BOTS, #MP3GROSEROS, #xboxland-mp3, #MP3GHOSTZ, #xboxland~boobies~bits, #hidd3n-zauberbude, #attrition, #the-club, #cracks, #xvids, #psp-world, #all-new-movies, #movies-r-us, #sb-movies, #mp3,

    MauriceRadioLibre: #hopm

    RelicNet: #lobby

    Blafasel: #pybottest, #support, #, #w, #flipdot, #perl, #EstrBny, #test123, #apollo, #cccamp, #go, #freifunk, #fubbi, #unix, #iridium-messages, #33c3, #Badewanne, #ffmuc, #WakeUpFpletz, #game-on

    Omninet: #caleb, #omnomirc, #sorunome, #nspire-lua, #knexflux, #private, #SWLing, #games, #radio, #thebot, #programming, #prizm, #~#withgznc, #br330t, #digital, #lgbt

    MeFalcon: #Das_gebluemelte_Sofa, #Northsman, #Smugglers-BaR, #mefalcon, #radio-hilfe, #quizz, #blubb, #susi, #help, #News, #miroos-privaty, #radio, #DeichMupfel, #neurobeat, #party

    MindForge: #entre_nubes_

    Cognet: #acknak, #dc, #void, #food, #cats, #ccdc, #nomail, #uiuc.notlosers, #SHADOWRUN, #matrixtest, #matrix, #dorks, #tamulug-officers, #minecraft

    SKYROCK: #irc

    PSIGenix: #maplestory, #fitegaem, #aethera, #nwifi, #sushi, #pfalzerwald, #frotzbotdev, #test, #oscuro-destiny, #support, #bottestlab, #coperia3, #deep13, #, #spellbound, #ddb, #rtfo, #gamemusic, #s3pmemag, #werwerwer, #j-poop #thelounge, #test, #medusa, #geek, #jungletrain #Diagnostics


The Costa Rican Government Has Closed All Beaches and Banned The Sale of Alcohol

March 24th, 2020

The Costa Rican government has announced "Ley Seca" - i.e. temporary prohibition - in response to the coronavirus hysteria.


But when there's a Will there's a way. The booze black market is alive and well.


In addition to banning alcohol, the CR government has also mandated that all beaches be closed to the public. Playa Junquillal is always deserted, so I'm not sure how the law applied in this location is supposed to help stop the spreading of a contagious virus.

Anyways, I heard reports that police were calling surfers out of the water so I decided to investigate how the sand ban is being enforced. I took the rav4 for a spin to see if they had closed off any entrances to the beach.

This beach access is open, the sign is a warning for rip currents.

There's no one on the beach, but again, this is normal for Junquillal.

Another beach access point, also open. I checked all of the entrances off the main road so to save time I stayed in my car to take the rest of the pictures.

Another open access point.

Alas, we arrive at evidence of the beach ban. Hey dog! Where are you going? Didn't you get the memo?
