Very Secure

Spanish Study Log 2 - The Imperative Mood Notes

June 3rd, 2020

I. Read 3 Chapters of Spanish Short Stories Book.

II. Go over imperative conjugation

III. Listen to audio clips (youtube 10 mins)



I. Spanish Short Stories Book (50 minutes)

Ríndete - "Surrender!"

(Rendirse = give up)

mantenerlo a salvo. - to keep it safe

una coleta - a ponytail

el pasillo - espacio largo y estrecho de un edificio o una casa que comunica unas estancias con otras. (an aisle)

la puerta trasera - the back door

el sótano - the basement

la ametralladora - the machine gun

una bombilla - a light bulb

una alfombra - carpet / rug

un mozo - a kid / a dude (Google translate incorrectly says that this means "waiter")

cabello rojizo - redish hair

era muy saludable - he was very healthy

"normalmente, actuaba con timidez" - normally, he would act in a shy way

el mostrador - a counter (of a store)

la nariz quebrada - the fractured nose

Capítulo 2

el anciano menudo - el viejo pequeño

Lily sujetó su bolso marrón - Lily held her brown bag.

El anciano señaló el bolso - The old man pointed to the bag

me atraparán - They will catch me

la embajada - The Embassy

confiar en mí - Trust me.

Él alargó la mano para alcanzarlo. - He extended the hand to reach it.

Con la otra mano le cogió la muñeca - with the other hand she took his wrist.

usted entró en mi casa por la fuerza. - you broke in

fallar - to fail

el alrededor - the surrounding area

está mintiendo - He is lying.

la sobrina - the niece

Si les ganamos a los nazis - if we beat the nazis,

David le apunta con una pistola - David points a gun at him.

Capítulo 3

un almacén vacío - an empty warehouse

conseguí la carpeta. - I got the folder.

la mitad - the half

un fracaso - resultado adverso en una cosa que se esperaba sucediese bien. (a failure)

volver a salir - to go out again

traicionar - cometer traición contra una persona, idea, doctrina, etc. - (to betray)

Lo acercó a sí misma - he brought it closer to himself

II. Go over imperative conjugation (about 40 mins)

Source of information:

A. Affirmative tú commands

To form an affirmative tú command with ar verbs, add the third person singular ending -a to the stem.


Compra la camisa - "buy the shirt"

For er, and ir, use the third person singular ending -e.

aprende español - "Learn Spanish"

escribi el ensayo - "Write the essay."

Note: Keep the stem changes


Cerrar - cierra la puerta.

Mover - Mueve esas sillas.

Incluir - incluye tus datos aquí.

Irregular Affirmative Tú Commands

Verb Affirmative Tú Command Form
ir ve
tener ten
venir ven
hacer haz
decir di
poner pon
salir sal

Pronouns are attached to the end of affirmative commands. If two pronouns are used than a tilde is used to mark the verb's original stress. Example:

cómpraselo - buy it for him.

B. Negative Informal "Tú" Commands

Use "no" and the present subjunctive second person conjugation.

comprar - no compres
aprender - no aprendas
escribir - no escribas

If the verb is irregular in present subjunctive, the informal command keeps the same irregularlity.

No hagas la tarea.
No seas injusto.

Pronouns are placed between the negative word (no or nunca) and the verb, i.e.:

Nunca les compres dulces a los niños. Never buy candy for the children.
Nunca se los compres. - Never buy it for them.

C. Formal Affirmative and Negative Commands

Usted and ustedes commands are the same as the present subjunctive ud. and uds. forms.

Hablar - hable, hablen
Comer - coma, coman
Vivir - viva, vivan

Pronouns are placed at the end of the formal command, i.e:

Tráigamelo - Bring it to me.
Mírelo - Look at it.

Negative Formal Commands

Just add a negative word like "no" to the beginning of the formal affirmative command.

No saquen sus libros.
No ponga su bolsa aqui.
No vengan.

Pronouns are placed inbetween the negative word and the verb.

Nunca se los compre.

D. Nosotros Commands

There are two types of nosotros commands:

i) Subjunctive form commands.
ii) Vamos a + infinitive commands.

Nosotros commands with the subjunctive:

Trabajemos juntos. - Let's work together
Comamos aquí. - Let's eat here.
Leamos los periódicos - Let's read the newspapers.
Vamos al restaurante. - Let's go to the restaurant.

Note that the present indicative form is used for the verb ir

Nosotros commands with Vamos a + infinitive.

Vamos a ir a la playa. - Let's go to the beach.
Vamos a divertirnos - Let's have some fun.
Vamos a nadar - Let's go swim.

Negative Nosotros Commands

Put a no in front of the affirmative command.

No nademos. - Let's not swim.
No salgamos - Let's not leave.
Nunca vayamos allí. - Let's never go there.

Note that you DO use the present subjunctive form of the verb ir - "vayamos" - for negative commands

Pronoun placement for nosotros commands is a tad complicated. For the subjunctive command form you need to: drop the final -s from the verb; attach the pronoun to the end of the subjunctive command form, and accent the second-to last-syllable of the verb.


Sentemos + nos => sentémonos aquí. - Let's sit here.
Hagamos + se + la => hagámosela. - Let's make it for her.
Vamos + nos => Vámonos - Let's go.

For the vamos a + infinitive form, just attach the pronoun to the end of the infinitive as usual.

Vamos a sentarnos aquí - Let's sit here.
Vamos a dormirnos - Let's go to sleep.

For negative commands, pronouns are placed between the negative word and before the verb.

No lo comamos - Let's not eat it.
No se le demos - Let's not give it to them.

E. "Que" Commands and Infinitive Commands

Indirect commands are given "through a third party or to an unspecified recipient."

To form a que command write "Que + present subjunctive"

Que pase. - Let him in.
Que me llamen. - Have them call me.
Que tenga un buen dia. - Have a good day.
Que no vea mi madre. - Don't let my mother see.
Que venga el cliente. - Have the client come in.
Que ponga Anita la camisa Negra. - Have Anita wear the black shirt.
Que lo haga. - Have him do it.

Infinite Commands

Just use the infinitive, no conjugating. These are the commands that would be written on a sign or in a set of instructions, but one would not use these while telling a specific someone else to do something.

No pisar el césped - No walking on the grass.
Mezclar los ingredients en un tazón. - Mix the ingredients in a bowl.
No fumar. - No smoking.
Ver las notas abajo. - See the notes below.
Batir los huevos. - Beat the eggs.

III. Spanish Listening Exercise (15 min)

Coronavirus Spanish Listening Exercise


Some vocab:

cueste lo que cuesete - whatever it takes
un cumplido - a compliment
la verguenza - embarrassment
un morciélago - a bat
un pangolin - a scaly ant-eater
las cifras - the numbers

Spanish Study Log 1

June 3rd, 2020

This session was done on June 2nd, 2020

I'm reading Spanish Short Stories for Intermediate Learners by Olly Richards. The stories are pretty awful, but they are engaging enough and they are both bite size and at my reading level. There are 8 in total and I plan to go through one every day for the next few days.

Note: I didn't know how to use diacritics when I made this practice log, so accents are missing. For some words I capitalized a letter that would otherwise have an accent mark.

I. Read Short Stories
- Read 1st story from Olly Richards Book.

II. Listening Exercises.
- Listen to 10 mins of a Spanish listening exercise video on youtube.



I. Vocab

Persevera y triunfara's

Capitulo 1:

parado frente a nosotros = standing in front of us

adecuada - que se acomoda a ciertas condiciones

portapapeles - una herramienta que se usa para tener algo atras de papel para escribir en la papel mientras se esta de pie.

"fruncio el cen~o"
Nos habiamos puesto guapos.

mi hombro flacucho. -

Era apuesto - muy guapo / bien vestido

"Puso los ojos en blanco" = rolled his eyes

una cuerda de terciopelo = terciopelo es el color como purpulo para los ricos

nego con la cabeza - he shook his head.

"Te pille" - I catch you

me hizo a un lado = he pushed me aside

rellenos = lleno

"Nacho no se parecia en nada a Aron" - Nacho was not at all like Aron.

arriesgado - con valor

las golosinas = la comida dulce "the sweets"

el camarero = el trabajador que trae la comida en un resteraunte

se encogiO de hombros = he shrugged his shoulders

suspirE = I sighed.

me cruce de brazos = I crossed my arms.

rojizo = que tiene un tono rojo.

hazme un favor = do me a favor.

asintieron con la cabeza = they nodded in agreement.

la pelirroja = the redhead.

(no tiene) nada que ver con (algo) = it has nothing to do with

Apetecer - desejar, querer

"Ni siquiera os conocemos" - we don't even know you

IntentEmoslo - let's try it.

se miraron entre sI. - they looked at each other

Capitulo 2:

me dio un codazo en las costillas - he gave me a poke in the ribs.

amedrentador - intimidating

menor de edad -

la pista de baile - donde se baila

se llevan bien - como se cayen bien.

chavales - ninos

Lo espantaste a Aron? (espantar a - to scare away)

tu amigo es raro - extraNo / weird

ya espantaste a tu novio -

"no te metas con (alguien)" - don't mess with

una sonrisa burlona - a mocking smile

el concurrido bar - the crowded bar

se mordio el labio - she bit her lip

EchE un vistazo al club. - I took a look (at something)

altavoces - speakers

es una indirecta? - is it an insinuation?

se agregO a sI misma - she added herself

callarme - shutup

Capitulo 3

sE tu mismo - be yourself

EstAs actuando raro - you are acting weird

una noche extraNa - a strange night.

un mayordomo - a butler

una docena - 12

rio a carcajadas - she laugh out loud

grosero - rude

"Ese tIo" (but its not tio like uncle) - this guy

Me dio pena - i felt sorry for him

me visitaba a menudo - me visitaba con frequencia

Estas equivocado, chaval. you're wrong, kid

II. Listening Exercises

10 mins of "Why Not Spanish?" Listening exercises.

Guitar Practice Log 7

June 2nd, 2020

This session was done on May 31st

I. Warmup

Nail care
String climb + spider crawl + chromatic scales

II. Technique

- Practice relaxing fingers without guitar

- Work on stability of hand with thumb (keep thumb straight instead of bending back)
- 10x of PAMA, PMAM, PIMI, PMIM at 60bpm

- Rotate accents 60bpm with speed bursts

III. New Repertoire

Go over first page of Bourree


I. Warmup

I shouldn't file the left edge of my right hand nails because it is too difficult to remove the corner. I should order nail strengthener.

Stretches 30min

Notes on Finger independence stretches.
- Fingers were splaying too far from each other, sign of tension.
- I need to remember to bend both the 1st and 2nd phalanges.
- To ask: is it possible to fully disconnect M & A?

II. Technique

Vibrato (5 mins)
- Practiced some, still struggling with pinky / index.

Tremolo (35 min)
- Recorded from new camera angle. I realized that I need to push my fingers forward and contract a bit. I also noticed that each pluck I am relaxing the last part of my finger before playing. I think my fingers need to be fully relaxed when they are "on deck" for plucking so that the pluck step is just a contraction rather than a relax-then-contract.
- Try the technique tomorrow.

Rasgueado: (20 min)

- I realized I've been contracting my hand and need to remember that I only should be using the extenders, and I should place the right hand so that extending strikes the strings.

III. New Repertoire

- My ability to play this piece regressed after my break.

Guitar Practice Log 6

May 25th, 2020

I. Warmup
1. Pepe Romero exercises
2. Spidercrawl

II. Music Theory
1. 20 mins of interval ear training.

III. Technique
1. Tremolo Practice
2. Rasgueado Practice
3. Double Notes

IV. New Repertoire
1. Continue work on Borree

V. Play around



I. Warmup

Pepe Romero Warmup: (30 min)
Spidercrawl (5min)

III. Technique

Tremolo: (40 mins)

- I learned to: keep hand/fingers at a slight angle to the strings. I can do speed bursts that almost begin to sound like tremolo, but I can see shakyness in my hand. My hand can't shake because my fingers need to stay in a precise spot to keep even articulation. Occasionally my thumb knocks my hand out of position by shaking the hand.

Take a look at:
a. Ring finger is at 90 degree angle to strings while middle / index stay at about a 75-80 degree angle

Rasgueado Practice (10 mins)
- Sounding smoother, hold fingers at angle (e and continue to work on ring finger + pinky isolation.

Double Notes: (S: 1.08) (4 mins)
- Same problem with

IV. New Repertoire

(24 mins - No Notes)

V. Play Around

(~15 mins. Listening to some recordings of my pieces, it seemed my high e has a less than pleasant twang sound.)

Guitar Practice Log 5 - Pepe Romero Stretches and Basic Shoulder Anatomy

May 25th, 2020

This practice session was done on May 24

I. Warmup

1. Pepe Romero exercises
2. Spidercrawl

II. Music Theory

1. Learn the basic 7th Chords.

III. Technique

1. Tremolo Practice
- Add no guitar "bicycle" technique.
2. Rasgueado Practice
- Try to relax pinky while flexing the ring finger.

IV. New Repertoire

Write out the notes I know so far in the Borree (for memorization)

Next 4 measures in Borree.

V. Play around



I. Warmup (1hr 10 mins)

Notes on exercises:

Always make sure head and neck are relaxed. Do each drill 10 times.

1. Raise hands over head, then bring them hands from the side.

2. Shoulders up, hands up, shoulders down, hands down.

3. Shoulder circles, rotating backwards.

4. Shoulders up, head left to right and back, keeping shoulders up the whole time.1

5. Three part exercise that goes through three shoulder joints:

i. While touching the shoulder joint with the opposite hand, move arm outwards by lifting elbow.
ii. Use shoulder joint to rotate arm out and pull arm back in with palm facing upwards.
iii. Raise elbow while touching glenohumeral joint. Then raise arm while touching Aromioclavicular joint. Then move arm inwards while touching the sternoclavicular joint.

6. Prayer pose, trying to put elbows together.

7. Rotate arms starting with arms out in front with palms facing each other, then lower them and pull them back, lift them back up again with shoulders.

8. Put arms forward and rotate wrists in and out.

9. Contract fingers, relax, flex fingers, relax..

10. Single hand clapping.

11. Extend fingers, wait, relax, repeat (do not extend with max tension.)

12. One hand keeps fingers relax, while other hand knocks them out of position. They naturally return to their relaxed position.

13. Bicycle fingers.

II. Music Theory

- Skipped

III. Technique

Tremolo Practice (20 mins)

-Speed is indeed easy after learning Romero's technique, I need to work on even articulation and steady timing.

Ragueado (40 mins)

IV. New Rep (1 hr)

I didn't do the exercise where I write what I have remembered of the score, in part because it is annoying to write music without having staff paper.

V. Play Around


  1. Notes on Shoulder anatomy:

    The bones of the shoulder are:
    a. Humerus (upper arm bone)
    b. Scapula (shoulder blade)
    i. Acromion - Roof of the shoulder is formed by the Acromion, part of the scapula.
    c. Clavicle (collarbone)

    The joints of the shoulder are (4):
    a. Glenohumeral joint - The main joint formed where the ball of the humerus fits into the scapula. (Shallow socket is called the Glenoid)
    b. Acromioclavicular (AC) joint - Where the Clavicle meets the Acromion
    c. Sternoclavicular (SC) joint - Where the shoulder connects to the main skeleton.
    d. Scapulothoracic joint (false joint)- Shoulderblade glides accross back of rib cage.

    Ligaments - Connect bone to bone.
    Tendons - Connect muscle to bone. Muscles move bone by pulling on tendons.
    Bursa - Water tight sack found in many places of the body between moving surfaces that contains lubricating fluid. []

Guitar Practice Log 4 - "Relax faster" With Notes on Chord Progressions

May 23rd, 2020

I. Warmup
1. (RH) String Crossing - Alternative i & m up and down strings 4x per string 3x, 2x, 1x... (120bpm)
2. (LH) Spider Crawl whole neck (Ascend high e and then descend B, try not to look) (60bpm - focus on concentration)
3. (LH) Chromatic scale in first position, paying attention to pinky legato.

II. Music Theory
1. Proofread yesterday's open fingerings
2. Take notes on chord progressions and what scales to solo over them, specifically minor chord progressions.

III. Technique Development
1. Left hand legato pink placement. Play A Major and E Major open scales (51bpm but only 1npb)
2. Tremolo PAMI
- 60 bpm Legato
- Rotate accent (P, A, M, I, No Accent)
- 60 bpm Sticatto
- 60 bpm Ascending / Descending thumb.
3. Double Notes (Play with dynamics between p and ima)

IV. New Repertoire
1. Go over Bourree by Bach first 16 measures.

V. Repertoire Review

1. Mauro Giuliani C Major Piece incorporating double notes.



I. Warmup

String Crossing (3min) - upon descending I don't always drop my finger lower enough to reach the higher pitch string.
Spider Crawl (6 min) - Pay attention to moving the right hand in accordance with the left hand.
Chromatic Scale (4 min) Noticeable improvement on pinky placement. Focus on not extending fingers instead let them return to the string through relaxation.

II. Music Theory

1. Proofread open fingerings - I noticed I missed bolding a root. Corrected. (15 min)
2. Minor Key Chord Progressions (20 min)

The minor key chord progressions are just the shifted version of the relative Major Key.

So for CMaj / aminor

I. C Major (tonic)
ii. d minor (supertonic)
iii. e minor (mediant)
IV. F Major (subdominant)
V. G Major (dominant)
vi. a minor (submediant)
viio. b diminished (leading tone)

If we start on a minor chord the progression is:1

i. a minor
ii. b diminished
III. C Major
iv. d minor
v. e minor
VI. F Major
VII. G Major

III. Technique

1. Pinky Legato - (10 min) (good improvement!)

2. Tremolo (1 hr 4 min)- Notes from Watching Pepe Romero video:

1. The return of the finger to prepare for the next pluck is done via relaxation. The return of the finger to its position is subconscious. Only the plucking of the string is conscious.
2. You should mentally group the tremolo as "AMIP" not "PAMI"
3. I stumbled upon Pepe Romero's video on Rasqueado. This is the technique where you fan out the fingers. The interesting part of this technique is that you need to have the finger's flexers completely relaxed the entire time, which is the opposite of normal guitar playing where you are always tensing the flexers to pluck notes.

New Repertoire Practice: (about 1hr)

Repertoire Review - Skipped.


Lots of distraction despite having turned off my phone. But the tips from Romero were a good discovery.

  1. I'm not sure the names of the roman numerals for the minor chord progression, but I believe they are: tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, subtonic []

Guitar Practice Log 3 - With Open Fingerings for d,a,e,b,f#, and c# Minor Scales

May 22nd, 2020

I. Warmup (70bpm)
1. (RH) String Crossing - Alternative m & a up and down strings 4x per string 3x, 2x, 1x...
2. (LH) Spider Crawl whole neck (Ascend high e and then descend B, try not to look)
3. (LH) Chromatic scale in first position, paying attention to pinky legato.

II. Music Theory
Write out fingerings for Aeolian mode (relative minor) of open positions C,D,G,A,E,F,B Major scales.

III. Technique Developmentf
While focusing on pinky placement...
1. Picado 51bpm 2npb open position in Circle of Fifths Order: F,C,G,D,A,E,B Major Scales (w/ passing note except for B Major)
2. Tremolo PAMI
- 60 bpm Legato
- Rotate accent (P, A, M, I, No Accent)
- 60 bpm Sticatto
- 60 bpm Ascending / Descending thumb.
3. Double Notes (Rest stroke with thumb + free stroke with fingers)

IV. New Repertoire
1. Go over Bourree by Bach first 15 measures.

V. Repertoire Review
While paying close attention to dynamics:

1. Etude in C Major
2. Mauro Giuliani C Major Piece


Review of Session (Total Time: ~1hr 19min)

I Warmup (8 mins total)

2 mins String Crossing (Even sound, but I only used the flesh of my finger and no nail.)
6 mins Spider Crawl + Open Chromatic Scale

(Lots of problem with chromatic scale with buzzing, perhaps move it to technique development. Spider crawl revealed a problem in concentration - as I crawl down the neck I forget where I am because my mind wanders.)

II. Music Theory (28 mins) (TODO: Review below)


F Major; d minor

013 / 013 / 023 / 023 / 123 / 013

C Major; a minor

013 / 023 / 023 / 012 / 013 / 013

G major; e minor1

023 / 023 / 024 / 023 / 013 / 023

D Major; b minor

The passing note is conveniently the note in the harmonic minor scale.

023 / 024 / 024 / 023 / 023 / 023

A Major; f# minor - There's no passing note here.

024 / 024 / 024 / 124 / 235 / 245

E Major; c# minor

024 / 024 / 124 / 124 / 124 / 024

B Major; g# minor - I learned that I should use the 0 on the G string as the passing note.

024 / 124 / 124 / 013 / 024 / 024

III. Technique Development

Picado Scales (4min) (TODO: More pinky legato work, slower tempo, and dynamics)

Tremolo (11min)

I need to work on evenness in volume.

Double Notes (1 Min) This was useful. (TODO: Play with dynamics between thumb and ima)

IV. New Repertoire (18min)

Still needs some work, but progressing fine.

V. Repertoire Review - skipped.

TODO: Improve Giuliani C Major Piece by using rest strokes with the thumb for the double notes.

  1. I noticed that the passing note is not the raised seventh of the harmonic minor like it is in a few other scales. What if instead of using the 3 on the g string as a passing note, we use the 4 on the g string and then use 134 on the B string, with the 4 now being the new passing note which is also the note used for the harmonic minor scale? []

The Circle of Fifths

May 21st, 2020

The Circle of Fifths is a mnemonic tool used to memorize which notes are a perfect fifth1 away from a given note. The Circle of Fifths is also helpful for figuring out which notes are sharp or flat in a given key.

The first diagram below2 lists all of the major keys, their relative minor keys3, and the notes that are sharpened or flattened in that key.


Each time you go up the chart in the direction of the sharps starting from C major, another note gets added to the list of sharpened notes in that row's key. The mnenonic I use to memorize the order of the notes that get sharpened is:

Fidel Castro Gets Drunk At Every Bar.

This mnenonic captures the order of the tonics as they ascend from F in the Major Key column, excluding the top two tonics: F# and C#. If you are in the Major key of one of the notes enumerated by the above mnenonic appended by F#, C#4you find the sharps in the key by sharpening the notes starting from F up to 2 indices down your current key's tonic's position. (i.e. A is the 5th note in the list so the sharps are F#, C#, and G#. We stop at G because G is 2 down from A)

This trick does not work for F Major, which has just 1 flatted B, nor for C Major, which has no sharps nor flats.

As you go down the rows from C Major, the notes in the keys get flattened. The (popular) mnenonic I use to remember the order of the notes that get flattened is:

BEAD GCF (Greatest Common Factor.)

If you are in any of the flattened Majors keys, to acquire the notes that are flattened in that key you list the notes in the mnenonic up to one index greater than the position of your key's tonic. For example, A is the 3rd note in the mnenonic so the notes flattened in Ab Major are all those up to and including the one in the 4th position: B,E,A, and D.


There are 12 pitch classes, and thus there are 24 possible keys (1 Major and 1 minor key for each pitch class). Yet this chart has 15 rows, so there is redundancy with three pairs of Major and minor keys whose respective tonics are enharmonic notes. Those pairs are

(C#/a# with Db/bb)
(F#/d# with Gb/eb)
(B /g# with Cb/ab)

This second graph, the Circle of Fifths itself, shows those pairs of keys. I believe that these three pairs of enharmonic keys are enumerated for the sake of making the nice pattern found in the first diagram. But I do not know the reasons why one would choose one key over another key from the above pairs - i.e. why would anyone consider themselves in Cb Major instead of B Major?


After writing these notes, I figured that I need a larger mnenonic for memorizing the full clockwise walk around the Circle of Fifths to be able to acquire the note that is a fifth away from my current note. I came up with:

Fidel Castro Gets Drunk At Every Bar, Gbod Dbamn Ablcohol Eberyday, Bbad Fidel...

I should eventually memorize F->C, C->G, G->D, individually so I don't have to "sing the alphabet from the beginning" to know the next letter. Likewise I should memorize the relative minor key for each major key, instead of walking back a minor third each time. up, intervals!

  1. i.e. 7 semitones i.e. the frequency of the reference note * 2 ^ (7/12) []
  2. Taken again from The Complete Musician by Laitz []
  3. The tonic of the relative minor is the note found a minor third down from the tonic of the corresponding major key. []
  4. i.e. F,C,G,D,A,B,F#,C# []

Guitar Practice Log 2

May 21st, 2020

I. Warmup (70bpm)
1. (RH) String Crossing - Alternative m & a up and down 6 strings 4x per string, 3x, 2x, 1x...
2. (LH) Spider crawl over whole neck
3. (LH) Chromatic scale in first position. Pay attention to pinky legato.

II. Music Theory
1. Play B Major in open position.

III. Technique Development
1. Picado 51bpm 2npb open position C,D,G,A,E,F,B Major Scales (w/ passing note except for B Major)
2. Tremolo PAMI
- 60 bpm Legato
- Rotate accent (P, A, M, I, No Accent)
- 60 bpm Sticatto
- 60 bpm Ascending / Descending thumb.
3. Double Notes (Rest stroke with thumb + free stroke with fingers)

IV. New Repertoire
1. Go over Bourree by Bach first 15 measures.

V. Repertoire Review
While paying close attention to dynamics:

1. Etude in C Major
2. Mauro Giuliani C Major Piece


Review of Session (Total Time: 1hr 25 mins)

I. Warmup: (Total: 10 mins)

String Cross - had trouble with getting loud sound with a finger; had trouble keeping nail/flesh even between fingers. (5 mins)
Spider Crawl + Chromatic Scale (5 mins)
(Almost had pinky legato down, tomorrow I should focus just on pinky placement)

II. Music Theory: (Total: 6 mins)

Learned B Major in open position, fingerings are:

024 / 124 / 124 / 134 / 24 / 024

Made a few errors, keep practicing at same bpm.

III. Technique Development (Total: 20 mins)

Picado on C,D,G,A,E,F,B Major Scales (5 mins)
Few mistakes, keep practicing at same bpm.
Tomorrow play in Circle of Fifths Order: F, C, G, D, A, E, B

Tremolo (15 mins)

Didn't seem to improve from first session, if anything it seemed like I did worse. I have a hunch I need to fix my nails. Bad nail shape might lead me to practicing with the wrong form. I sent an email to a potential teacher to take a look.

I skipped practicing Double Notes in the interest of time.

IV. New Repertoire: (40 mins)

I still wasted a lot of time from fatigue / hunger / boredom.

One thing I did well was noting on my score the places where I make mistakes and focusing only on those spots. I need to do this immediately.

Repertoire Review: (10 mins)

Quite a flop, I received a message on my phone and let myself break concentration and lost myself in a piece. Phone needs to be off while practicing.

Guitar Practice Log 1

May 20th, 2020

In order to have more structured practice sessions with measurable goals, I've decided to keep a practice log. The log will contain the goal/schedule for the practice session followed by a review of the session.

Below is the schedule I made for my practice routine and a review of the practice itself.

I. Warmup:
1. (Right Hand) String Crossing - Play alternating i & m up and down the 6 strings, 4x per string, then 3x per string, then 2x per string, then 1x per string.
2. (Left Hand) Spider crawl over whole neck, saying note names as they are played.
3. (Left Hand) Chromatic scale in first position.

II. Music Theory/Technique Development:
1. Picado 51bpm 2npb open position C, D, G, A, E, F Major Scales (w/ and w/o passing notes)
Note: Work on keeping legato w/ pinky
2. Tremolo PAMI single string.

III. New Repertoire:

1. Go over Bourree by Bach first 13 measures.

IV. Repertoire Review:

1. Etude in C Major
2. Por Carolina
3. Mauro Giuliani A minor Piece
4. Mauro Giuliani C major piece


Review of Session

Warmup (Took about 10 mins)

- Struggled with ascending alternative fingers on ascension for 1x
- Forgot to do thumb ascending/descending
- Had to look at fretboard for spider crawl, could not name notes at the same time. (hard to say the flats/sharps, maybe just say the notes mentally.)
- Chromatic scale: struggled with not looking at fret, + normal trouble with pinky placement.

Music Theory/Technique Development

Picado on Paco De Lucia Major Scales:

- Pinky can avoid touching bottom strings by lifting the hand and having more of an arch.
- The A major has no passing note
- Passing note for both D and G major is 3rd fret G string (i.e. A#)
- E Major passing note is 1st fret B string.
- F Major passing note is 2nd fret B string (also, high E string is 0 1 3, i kept accidentally playing 0 2 3)

- Tremolo practice went well.
- I rotated accents but I did not practice moving the thumb up and down the other strings while playing tremolo on the E string yet.
- Potentially should reach out to Beckman for lessons.

New Repertoire

-I was tired and kept spacing off playing random rifts.
-I learned that in measure 2 I can preemptively place my pinky finger on the D# fret.

Repertoire Review

-I realize I don't understand the tempo of Por Carolina