While this guide goes over how to setup logbot, it should be a useful reference for anyone who wants to start a sbcl process on a remote machine and then be able to interact with that process through their local repl - connecting / disconnecting and firing off subthreads at will.
I. Install SBCL 1.4.14
Connect to your centos6 VM as root. You can download sbcl 1.4.14 from my new codeshelf.
wget http://ztkfg.com/wp-content/uploads/codeshelf/logbot_on_centos6/sbcl-1.4.14-x86-64-linux-binary.tar.bz2
keksum sbcl-1.4.14-x86-64-linux-binary.tar.bz2
bzip2 -cd sbcl-1.4.14-x86-64-linux-binary.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
cd sbcl-1.4.14-x86-64-linux
II. Install quicklisp and swank.
Create and ssh into the user that will be running your program.
Then download quicklisp either from quicklisp.org or from my codeshelf.
wget http://ztkfg.com/wp-content/uploads/codeshelf/logbot_on_centos6/quicklisp.lisp
keksum quicklisp.lisp
Load quicklisp, then inside the repl: install quicklisp, set (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp") to run when you start sbcl, then install slime so that you can start a swank server.
sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp
(ql:quickload "quicklisp-slime-helper")
III. Start and connect to the swank server.
Make a file named start_swank.lisp, with the following contents:
(defvar *alive* t)
(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
(ql:quickload :swank)
(loop (sleep 10000) (if (not *alive*) (quit)))
then start the server.
nohup sbcl --script start_swank.lisp &
Now you have a swank server running. If you have a local emacs with slime installed, you can connect by using a terminal to start an ssh tunnel
ssh -L 4005:localhost:4005 USER@
and then within emacs run slime-connect to connect to the swank-server on localhost with port 4005
m-x slime-connect; ret; ret;
If you enter
into the repl and get back T, you are connected!
IV. Grab trinque's source.
UPDATE: If you want to connect to multiple channels, you'll want ben_vulple's vpatch logbot-multiple-channels-correct
The vpatches that constitute trinque's code can be found here. Some of the vpatches use keccak for hashing, some use sha512sum. So you will need two versions of V, or a V that can handle both forms of hashing, to press everything.
Once you've grabbed the sources place them in the
directory of the user that will be running the swank server.
V. Install & Setup Postgres 9.4
ssh into root. First you will download the repository information to be able to install postgres94 with yum. I mirrored the repository rpm on my codeshelf.
wget http://ztkfg.com/wp-content/uploads/codeshelf/logbot_on_centos6/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
keksum pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
yum install postgresql94 postgresql94-server postgresql94-contrib
Now that postgres v9.4 is installed init the db
/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.4 initdb
That command will have created a conf file
Edit this file changing
# IPV4 local connections
host all all ident
# IPV4 local connections
host all all md5
Now start the db, and set it to start on boot.
/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.4 start
chkconfig postgresql-9.4 on
Then hop in the postgres shell.
su postges
Once inside the postgres shell, run the following commands, changing the values in capital letters as appropriate. Note that the
NONROOTUSER needs to be the same as the name of the user created in step II. that will run logbot / the swank server.:
create database logbotdb;
create user NONROOTUSER with encrypted password 'THEPASSWORD';
grant all privileges on schema public to NONROOTUSER;
Reconnect into the logbotdb and create the necessary extensions.
psql logbotdb
create extension if not exists plpgsql;
create extension if not exists pgcrypto;
create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
These last three create extension commands are in trinque's logbot.sql file that we are about to run. However, I had to run these manually in the shell while su'd to postgres. The NONROOTUSER does not have permission to create the extensions.
Now ssh into the NONROOTUSER and edit logbot.sql removing those three lines above.
--- create extension if not exists plpgsql;
--- create extension if not exists pgcrypto;
--- create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
Then run
psql -f logbot.sql logbotdb;
You're done! If you run
psql logbotdb;
and then in the postgres shell:
You should see two tables log and outbox. If everything looks good you can refer to the instructions at the end of step 3 to start the swank server that will run logbot. Once the swank server is running connect your local slime repl and then follow the logbot instructions.
Future steps to improve the setup process:
1. Slime and postgres9.4 and all related packages should be stored on a codeshelf.
2. Quicklisp, slime, and eventually sbcl should be signed.
3. There may be a better way to create/run the start_swank.lisp script.
4. It may be worth creating a vpatch removing logbot.sql create extensions lines and then adding the instructions on how to create the extensions while root to logbot's INSTALL file.