Very Secure

Guitar Practice Log 10 - Potential Tremolo Pieces

June 30th, 2020

I. Warmup

- Complete Tension + Complete Relaxation Exercise from "Muscle Control" group.

II. Music Theory

Practice E Minor Scale: natural, harmonic, and melodic.

III. Technique

- Tirando - String crossing, Keeping hand still
- Apoyando- String crossing, keeping hand still
- Thumb movement up and down.

IV. New Repertoire

- Continue work in Bourree

V. Freeplay



I. Warmup (35 mins)

Worked on lats isolation. I believe I understand now what it means to have the shoulders pulled back and in a relaxed state.

Note: (See Page 126 of Muscle Control Group PDF for list of muscles)
Note: See Hand Anatomy Animated Tutorial.

II. Music Theory (10 mins)

s: 3:22
E: 3.31
(10 mins, went pretty well, i should minimize slides on the e string.

Focus on Latissimus Dorsi
Notes on Latissimus Dorsi:
- Works with shoulder joints.
- When you have your arm in front of you, it pulls the arm down.
- Pulls the arm down towards the side of the body.
- It helps rotate the arm inward as well.
- They help hyperextension of spine and lateral extension of pelvis.

III. Technique
(S: 2:10)
(Note: not having camera etc. ready delayed me)

(E: 3.20) Tons of time wasted, didn't do thumb movement. Still exploring to get the basic tirando and apoyando - i need to focus on that while I work on muscle independence.

IV. New Repertoire (About 30 mins)

Note: Recommended beginner tremolo pieces:
Sueno by Jose Vinas
Cancion de la hilandera
Carcassi etude no 7 op 60

V. Skipped, (or rather- sporadically done throughout the practice.)

Spanish Practice Log 7 - Sílabas

June 30th, 2020

I. Go over last few session notes. (20 mins)

II. Read La Buena Suerte (30 mins)

III. Que Bien Suena (30 mins)

== Review

I. Reviewing Sessions (1-3)

I notice I don't known the informal vosotros command conjugation.

aguda - last syllable is tonic. (for example if word ends in r)
llena - 2nd to last syllable is tonic. (default)
esdrújula - 3rd to last syllable is tonic (always has an accent mark.)

II. La Buena Suerte


Llegó al territorio de las Cowls cuando ya anochecía - ...Already nightfall.
muy bien abonada - abonar = to fertilize
alforjas - saddlebags
brotar - nacer o salir una plana de la tierra
bayas - berries
cabalgar - montar o estar montada [una cosa o una persona] sobre algo; montar a caballo.
estar sediento - tener sed
nenúfares - lily pads
arroyos - streams
deprimir - to depress
vagar - ir de un lugar a otro sin un fin, un motivo ni un destino determinados
apabullar - to overwhelm
un surco - a groove
restar - subtract / deduct
regar - dar agua a una planta
conciliar el sueño - to fall asleep
por lo tanto, - thus,

III. Que Bien Suena

sílaba abierta - es una que termina en una vocal. (ejemplo: si)
sílaba cerrada - es una que termina en una consonante. (ejemplo: con)

Español prefier las sílabas abiertas:

a-ma, ha-go, te-ma, sí-la-ba,
ba-ta, ja-rri-to, vi-lla-no, mu-cha-chi-ta

Ejercicio A pg. 26

1. ta-co
2. pi-do
3. to-do
4. e-lla
5. pe-ro
6. E-le-na
7. pe-rri-to
8. te-la
9. ca-je-ro
10. rá-ba-no
11. a-bo-ga-do
12. Mé-xi-co
13. se-rra-no
14. do-mi-ni-ca-no
15. pa-na-me-ña
16. vi-lla-no
17. pe-rru-cho
18. pa-ta-ta

Cuando una palabra tiene una combinación consonántica es posible que tiene una sílaba cerrada - por ejemplo con "s"

estar = es-tar
escolar = es-co-lar
espuma = es-pu-ma

Es possible que los dos consonantes se encuentra en el siguiendo sílaba, como en estos ejemplos:

potro = po-tro
siglo = si-glo
sidra = si-dra

Si hay una palabra que empieza con dos consonantes, los dos consonantes son juntos para el segundo síliba -

iglesia -i-gles-sia (exiten globo y glacial)
padre pa-dre (existen droga y drenaje)

ensalada no pueden emplear al comienzo de una palabra.


no hay palabras como las siguientes en español:

*star (sino estar)
*scolar (sino escolar)
*spuma (sino espuma)

Full quote:

La s simplemente no puede encontrarse seguida de otra consonante dentro de la misma sílaba. La e inicial de estas palabras tiene el efecto de separar los dos consonantes en el sentido silábico. Por lo tanto, el hispanohablante típicamente pronuncia el préstamo monosilábico del inglés stop con dos sílabas: es-top.

Ejercicio B pg. 28

1. es-tos
2. tri-ple
3. a-gri-cul-tu-ra
4. res-pon-sa-ble
5. an-da-mos
6. con-ju-rar
7. ha-blo
8. es-pa-ñol
9. in-fan-te
10. a-gra-da-ble
11. pa-la-bra
12. ár-bol
13. pon-go
14. hi-dró-ge-no
15. al-re-de-dor
16. ma-chis-mo

Ejercicio C pg. 28

a-gri-cul-tu-ra - gritar, graduar
res-pon-sa-ble - blindar, bloquear
pa-la-bra - bromear, broncear
hi-dró-ge-no - drama, dron
ma-chis-mo - chequear - chanza


*"Hay una palabra en español que empiece con "dr"?
Debe ser
"Hay alguna palbra en español que empiece por "dr"?

Ejercicio D. pg. 29

1. ins-ti-tu-to
2. com-pren-der
3. des-treza
4. en-trar
5. com-pli-ca-do
6. des-tru-ye
7. ins-tru-yó
8. es-drú-ju-la
9. e-jem-plos
10. trans-cri-bir
11. ham-bre
12. om-bli-go
13. tem-pla-do
14. ins-tru-men-to
15. im-pli-ca-ción

Practice pronouncing:

paradójicamente - paradoxically

10:36AM - Begin Planning the study session.
10:38AM - Start going over previous sessions.
11:04AM - Start Reading La Buena Suerte
11:38AM - Start Reading Que Bien Suena
12:11PM - Continued to section D in Que Bien Suena to finish the main exercises.
12:23PM - Finished

Spanish Study Log 6

June 30th, 2020

I. Go over previous days notes. (10 mins)

II. Read La Buena Suerte (30 mins)

III. Spanish Grammar (30 mins)

IV. Que Bien Suena! (30 mins)






- Trouble with pronunciation of "al" still - example semanal

"miel" - keep mouth way more closed than you think

"col" - problem with "o" gliding

lateral - remember to pronounce "r" like a "d", also keep mouth closed

pulga, algo, olga - have to work on "g" pronunciation

"el" - i can pronounce it correctly but inconsistently. The tongue needs to be slightly raised from the "e" in English and the lips need to stay wide open.

Spanish Study Log 5

June 30th, 2020

I. Continue reading La Buena Suerte (30 mins)

II. Spanish Grammar (40 mins)

III. Continue search for material on Spanish phonetics (15min)


I. (45 mins)


colinas - hills

desánimo - discouragement

aguja en un pajar - a needle in a haystack

mmascullar - hablar entre dientes y en voz baja sin pronunciar claramente las palabras

miradas de desapro - disapproving looks

bacion - ??

con sorna - sarcastically

disponer - colocar o poner personas o cosas de una manera determinda (provide, arrange, dispose)

jornadas - tiempo que se dedica al trabajo en un día o en una semana.

a pesar de ello, - nonetheless

tupido - que está formado por elementos muy juntos y apretados entre sí. (thick, bushy)

corcel - caballo ligero de gran alzada y bella figura (steed)

palmo a palmo - inch by inch

merecer - estar (una persona) en situación de que se le deba algo.

a medida que se alejaba - as he walked away

experimentar - percibir algo por propia experiencia (experience)

sustituir - ocupar [una persona o una cosa] el lugar oupesto de otra "sustituir ese miedo por incredulidad" (con por, no con con) (replace, substitute)

incredulidad - imposibilidad o reserve que tiene una persona persona para creer algo que no ve o que no está demostrado, aunque esté aceptado o consensuado por loa mayoría (disbelief)

aguardar - to wait

averiguar - llegar a conocer cierta cosa sobre un asunto o cuestión indagando o haciendo lo necesario para conseguirlo. (find out, ascertain)

refunfuñar - emitir sonidos no articulados o palabras murmuradas entre dientes en señal de enojo o desagrado.

colérico - sentimiento de enfado (choleric, angry)

toma el pelo - to tease

acudir - ir [una persona] a un lugar por porpia inciativa o por haber sido llamado "acudir a una cit"

una damisela - a damsel

renovar - renovate / renew

esponjosa - fluffy, spongy, foamy

apelmazado -cuando algo esta muy junto

Nice quote: "No sabes que solo se obtienen cosas nuevas cuando se hacen cosas nuevas?"

II. See Grammar Article

III. Found Qué bien suena - mastering spanish phonetics and phonology by Jeffery D. Stokes

Q significa este abajo?

«No es la primera vez que me encuentro con alguien que no está a la altura que yo merezco», pensó

Spanish Study Log 4

June 30th, 2020

I. Continue reading La Buena Suerte (30 mins)

II. Spanish Listening Exercise (10 mins)

III. Search for more material on Spanish Phonetics (15mins)

= I found a grammar book that looks alright, "Advanced Spanish Grammar by Luis Aragonés Ramón Palencia"



I. Vocab

botones - buttons
un taller - Establecimiento en el que se realizan trabajos artesanos o manuales. (a workshop)
un mozo - a waiter (apparently Google was right)
me ocupaba tanto - i was so busy
acontecer - suceder
un reto - a challenge
sugerir - inspirar o evocar una idea en una persona
concurso de destreza - a contest of skill
en un plazo de siete noches, nacerá el Trébol Mágico - Within 7 nights, the magic clover will be born.
un revuelvo - a

II. Replaced listening exercise with some grammar study, I'll watch a movie later to replace the listening exercise.

III. Found grammar book instead.

Spanish Study Log 3 - Diferencias Entre Palabras Agudas, Llanas, y Esdrújulas

June 30th, 2020

I. Read Book 3 From Spanish Short Stories Read first part of La Buena Suerte


I. Vocab

pies descalzos - barefoot
suspirar - to sigh
un despropósito - dicho o hecho inoportuno o inconveniente

II. Spanish Pronunciation Errors:

Practice Pronouncing:


Focus on E & O.

- L needs to go much farther back in the alveolar ridge.
- I struggle with "al"

Names for different placement of tonics in Spanish

TODO: Find all the rules.

2nd to last syllable:

Tonic Last Syllable is called aguda (end in r)


Tonic 2nd To Last Syllable is called llana


Tonic 3rd to Last Syllable is called: Esdrújula

These always have accent.


TheFleet Post-Mortem

June 25th, 2020

TheFleet (Dec 14th, 20191 - ~April 13th 2020)

TheFleet, a project I undertook proposed by Diana Coman on Dec 14th, 2019, came to a halt around April 13th, 2020. The project failed for multiple reasons, perhaps all of which stemmed from a lack of drive to see it completed. I thought it worth some time to reflect on what I learned from the project I undertook for 4 months. To do that reflection I've collected a list of the articles I wrote about TheFleet and have reread each one to see what are the takeaways I should remember for my next endeavour.

1. Setting up Trinque's Logbot on Centos 6 With SBCL Quiclisp, Swank, and Postgres

Writing this article saved me time later on. I'll always document a server setup procedure (or any other setup) going forward.

2. TheFleet - A Systematic Exploration of the IRC Space

I recall that when I first discussed this project with diana_coman I thought its purpose was to find other productive individuals conversing on irc. But she informed me that it was better to aim for a "systematic exploration," i.e. see what's there - instead. This is a key piece of advice when approaching anything. Goals need to be changed as you gain information, so it's better to stay goalless, minus the aim of shedding light on what you're exploring.

Given how long this (incomplete) endeavor took in the end, it's amusing to read diana_coman refer to TheFleet as a small project. To excuse be fair to myself I was bussied with other tasks as I worked on TheFleet: building a computer, saltmines work, and writing a couple of articles a week. But because I don't have neatly organized timelogs, I don't know exactly how/where I was losing time.

Another small point - when I outlined the project I thought one of the objectives should be to create a nice visual interface for viewing the data. This is probably because of a value system I've picked up from working in the Silicon Valley world, where one is incentivized to build a nice displaying dashboard for management dishing out cash.

3. Progress Report on TheFleet

In this progress report I address my "lisp problem." I was acting like a day trader while programming - clicking and turning knobs until I found the correct lines of code to get a list of channels from different servers. Again, I should have focused on building up an understanding of my program. There were various issues I was running into with regards to threading, memory management, lisp itself, how the irc protocol worked, etc. Instead of trying to fix my gaps of knowledge I kept tweaking the code - in the form of taking stabs in the dark - until I got a list of channels from some networks.

4. A Few Thoughts on Lisp and Programming in General

In the above article I go over the points about lisp I just mentioned. I also question the usefulness of Common Lisp on a modern machine because of the bloat sbcl adds, but jfw notes that sbcl has a smaller source than the code required to interpret my other choice language, python. In any case, I think that I've greatly overestimated the power of CL. This came from some masturbatory reading of all the hyperbole of how great a language it is. It has perhaps slight syntactic advantage over python, but it is not in and of itself a magic language vastly superior to all others - at least not without a competent operator using it on an actual lisp machine.

5. Fleetbot Pseudocode Bugs and Fixes and The New Next Steps

This article is painful to reread. What makes the article so terrible is that I am attempting to write the pseudocode of TheFleet but I just end up writing this bloat that is more tedious to read than the code itself. This came from my misguided attempt to be thorough. What I should have produced is a reduction that highlights the main points of the code. But I did get something out of writing this article - the careful review of the code I did in preparation revealed bugs.

6. Ircbot No Suicide on Reconnect

This is one lasting accomplishment of TheFleet - a published fix of a bug found in a few pieces of republican software. I could have written a fix that allows the bot reconnect in more scenarios. But this would have required a slightly larger vpatch. I choose the smaller vpatch so that it would be more didactic.

7. TheFleet Overview

This article was a revision of my bloated pseudo-code piece. The stupidity detected here was that I claimed to be concerned about paying some paltry amount of fiat to rent a server. This reveals how my financial decisions are often completely illogical and emotionally based. I actually didn't even cancel my subscription for TheFleet servers until I wrote this article, so clearly I didn't really care about the money.

8. TheFleet Test Run Results

This was an overview report on the results of the first (and ultimately only) collection of data. Nothing to note here really other than I may still want to study how virtual memory works, since my first attempt at logging was screwed up by an OOM error that I never figured out.

9. TheFleet Next Steps With Data Collection

In this final article before TheFleet project was abandoned all together, I sidestepped the current goal of analyzing the data I had by saying I needed to fiddle with something else first. The main problem is I give myself a timeline that is not concrete. I said "Once I have a system I am content with for assigning the next channels to my VMs running TheFleet, I will plan how to analyze the collected data." A system I am content with is unspecified and thus I can forever stall as I work on this unspecified goal.


After a small amount of contemplation, I think the import points to remember for my next project are:

I. Pick something I'm excited about.
II. Set concrete goals with timelines, updating them as new information comes to light.
III. Keep a work timelog that is specific. An example is the timelog found in my guitar practice series.
IV. Document anything that may be used again in the future.
V. When choosing what to work on next, tend towards that which increases understanding.

  1. My birthday, coincidentally. []

Unnecessary Muscle Binding - The Great Impediment To Musical and Athletic Performance

June 22nd, 2020

Contracting unnecessary muscles hinders one's ability to execute a motion. When performing a physical task, irrelevant muscles should remain relaxed. A musician cannot play gracefully if the fingers they are not using flail around. An athlete becomes fatigued more quickly if they overwork themselves by contracting unnecessary muscle groups.

Knowing that proper technique requires the contraction of specific muscles while keeping irrelevant ones relaxed is paramount for performance. Because of this I've wondered why we often err by binding unnecessary muscles to movements and how to break these bad habits/prevent them from forming in the first place. I've come up with a hypothesis for the former and found few techniques for the latter that I believe are worth sharing.

Why we contract unnecessary muscles

My guess as to why we contract some unnecessary muscles when attempting a task is that our brain thinks like this:

I know I need to contract one of these ~ten muscles. But argh, which one? Let's send a signal that contracts them all! One of the muscles will get the job done. *contracts a bunch of muscles* Oh hey that worked, kinda. Good enough, now I know how to do this!

This faulty logic is described as the pin-ball syndrome in The New Voice: How to Sing and Speak Propery1

If you have ever watched someone play a pin-ball machine you will recognize the following description: After the ball is hit and it begins to touch pins that light up or it rolls close to holes the player does not want the balls to fall into, he usually begins to roll his head, twist his shoulders, screw up his face, and generally tense and distort his body to "help" maneuver the ball in the direction he'd like it to go. Of course, the ball will follow its own course.

Something similar to this happens during the process of learning to voluntarily move the necessary and specific muscles into the Basic Shape.2 There is a tendency for secondary muscles to "help." For example, while attempting to "yawn" the Adam's apple down there may be: distortion of the lips, tensing or raising the shoulders, even knitting the eyebrows and tensing muscles in the forehead. I call this the Pin-Ball Syndrome. The student wants so much to maneuver the correct muscles that he unconsciously calls on other areas of the body for help.

These are secondary and unnecessary tensions. They hinder rather than help.

In a word, the problem is: impatience.

What happens when one binds unnecessary muscles

Sometimes contracting irrelevant muscles prevents one from completing the task at hand. In this case, the brain will keep searching for different signals until it finds one that keeps the hindering muscles relaxed. But other times the brain may register a signal as a correct way to contract the muscles necessary to perform a task, even though that signal also contracts additional, unnecessary muscles.

For example, an opera singer may learn the brain signal that causes the throat/oral muscle movements necessary to sing a high note with the side effect of squinting. If the opera singer is only judging her success based on what she hears, her brain will think it has found how to send the correct signal to perform the high note. If left unchecked, the squinting that comes along with her high note remains a habit and thus a quirk in her performance.

How to correctly do a movement

The first step is to figure out which muscles you need to contract to do the action. Then you measure success by your ability to control those required muscles in isolation. By measuring success by your muscle control, you avoid the situation where you are nominally able to perform a task but have also bound unnecessary muscles thus making your form tense and awkward.

As to how to actually learn to contract a muscle while keeping all others relaxed, I have found a few helpful techniques.3 The most important piece of advice to keep in mind while using these techniques is: be patient.

The first technique for learning how to isolate a muscle is to discover where that muscle is. You also will want to learn the location of all the surrounding muscles that are likely to accidentally get bound to the target muscle's movement.

The second step is to learn how to relax that muscle and its surrounding muscles. Relaxation can be tricky since it's inaction that you're aiming for. Thus it is possible to create even more tension when one tries to relax.

It can be difficult to relax a muscle if you are not aware of what your body looks like or how it feels to have that muscle relaxed. Sometimes it helps to touch the muscle under examination with a finger to get additional biofeedback. The extra tactile sensation aids in letting you know if the muscle has softened. It also can be helpful to try to tense the muscles first and then release that tension, taking note of the contrast between the tensed and relax state.

Once you're able to tense and relax a muscle at will while keeping all other muscles relaxed, you can improve your control by attempting the same while keeping your eyes closed and without touching the muscle with a guiding finger. You can then check your success via a video recording.

There are various other techniques and methods for learning how to isolate various muscle groups. I am no expert myself so I won't expound on the subject. But from simply being conscious about the importance of learning how to tense and relax the correct muscles, I've seen significant improvement in my ability to learn technical skills on the guitar. Without a doubt, studying the art of muscle control will aid one in any physical endeavor.

  1. By Alan Greene, Pamela Hyde, and Susan Greene. []
  2. This "Basic Shape" is the shape required of the throat for singing, described in detail in the book. []
  3. A full guide on how to learn how to isolate the major muscle groups can be found in the book Muscle Control by Maxick. []

Guitar Practice Log 9

June 3rd, 2020

This practice was done on June 2, 2020

I. Warmup

Spidercrawl (Focus on not looking at fret)
String Crossing (M & A)

II. Music Theory

Dorion Mode and Mixolydian Mode Scales - M&A Exchanges.

III. Technique

Thumb climb, keeping hand still.

IV. New Repertoire

Continue work on Bourree.



I. Warmup (15 min) - Still struggling with tirando with m&a.

II. Music Theory (15 mins)

I learned a scale for the Mixolydian and Dorion Mode.

I should review this again to get it to stick to memory:

III. Technique. (30 mins)

Right hand was fatigued so I stopped the practiced early, but tremolo is coming along smoothly. working on m&a independence seems to be helping a lot.

IV. New Repertoire


Guitar Practice Log 8 - How To Pentatonic

June 3rd, 2020

This practice was done on June 1st, 2020

I. Warmup

M & A Major Scales

II. Music Theory

Learn a Diagnol Scale

III. Technique

Bradford Tremolo Exercises

Watch a video on vibrato + practice vibrato.


IV. New Repertoire

Continue work on Bourree.



I. Warmup

- 5 mins, skipped M&A scales because of left hand fatigue. Doing finger cross m&a instead.

II. Music Theory (44 mins)

Wound up Learning Major / Minor Pentatonic Theory

Major Pentatonic = 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th scale degree of Major Scale.

C Major Pentatonic is:
C, D, E, G, A

Minor Pentatonic = 1st, flat 3rd, 4th, 5th, and flat 7th scale degree of Major Scale.

To play the diagonal scale you can take many different paths, to make life easier you do one shift per string / every other string.

III. Technique (50 mins)

Skipped vibrato, barely did rasgueado.

The staccato drill for tremolo seems to help me get speed, but perhaps creates a staccato effect. I also noticed I have a problem with my nail catching, I should focus next time on simple tirando.

IV. New Repertoire (30 mins)
- No notes