Very Secure

Guitar Practice Log 10 - Potential Tremolo Pieces

I. Warmup

- Complete Tension + Complete Relaxation Exercise from "Muscle Control" group.

II. Music Theory

Practice E Minor Scale: natural, harmonic, and melodic.

III. Technique

- Tirando - String crossing, Keeping hand still
- Apoyando- String crossing, keeping hand still
- Thumb movement up and down.

IV. New Repertoire

- Continue work in Bourree

V. Freeplay



I. Warmup (35 mins)

Worked on lats isolation. I believe I understand now what it means to have the shoulders pulled back and in a relaxed state.

Note: (See Page 126 of Muscle Control Group PDF for list of muscles)
Note: See Hand Anatomy Animated Tutorial.

II. Music Theory (10 mins)

s: 3:22
E: 3.31
(10 mins, went pretty well, i should minimize slides on the e string.

Focus on Latissimus Dorsi
Notes on Latissimus Dorsi:
- Works with shoulder joints.
- When you have your arm in front of you, it pulls the arm down.
- Pulls the arm down towards the side of the body.
- It helps rotate the arm inward as well.
- They help hyperextension of spine and lateral extension of pelvis.

III. Technique
(S: 2:10)
(Note: not having camera etc. ready delayed me)

(E: 3.20) Tons of time wasted, didn't do thumb movement. Still exploring to get the basic tirando and apoyando - i need to focus on that while I work on muscle independence.

IV. New Repertoire (About 30 mins)

Note: Recommended beginner tremolo pieces:
Sueno by Jose Vinas
Cancion de la hilandera
Carcassi etude no 7 op 60

V. Skipped, (or rather- sporadically done throughout the practice.)

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