I. Read La Buena Suerte (30mins)
II. Read Que Bien Suena (30mins)
I. Vocab
vaya paradoja - What a paradox
un cosquilleo en el tobillo - a tickle in the ankle
una brizna - a blade (of a tree, I believe)
rozar - to touch
los osados - the daring
cotidiano - que ocurre, se hace o se repite todos los dias.
II. Notes
La "g" dura en espanol puede escribir con solo "g" o "gu"
guedeja [ge.dé.xa]
guillermo [gi.jér.mo]
juegue [xwé.ge]
If you are going to pronounce the u after a g you need an umlaut:
güero [gwé.ro]
güira [gwí.ra]
averigüé [a.be.ri.gwé] (I found out)
Or if the gu is followed by something that is not e or i:
guantanamera [gwan-ta-na-mé-ra]
antiguo [an-tí-gwo]
gemir [xe.mír]
gitano [xi.ta.no]
Argentina [ar.xen.tí.na]
jornada [xor.ná.da]
jujuy [xu.xwí]
Page 69 has a list of notes on fonetic symbols for Spanish.
(Finished at page 70.)
I have a lot of exercise debt.
6:05PM Begin Reading
6:23PM Begin translating (finished book)
6:25PM Begin reading Que Bien Suena
6:54PM Finished.