I. Read La Buena Suerte (30 mins)
II. Read Que Bien Suena (30 mins)
== Review
I. Vocab
búho - an owl
sutilmente - subtly
la revancha - the rematch
despistar - hacer perder la pista o el camino a alguien (mislead/sidetrack)
enfurecer - hacer que una persona o un animal se pongan furiosos
encajar - (1) to fit in (2) put up with
malévola - que tiene tendencia a hacer el mal
aullidos - voz quejumbrosa y prolongada que emiten el lobo, el perro, y otros cánidos
asió con firmeza - grasped firmly
la empuñadura - the grip
refunfuñando - emitir [una persona] sonidos no articulados o palabras murmuradas entre dientes en señal de enojo o desagrado
brotar - nacer o salir [una planta] de la tierra.
pringosa - sticky
la losa - the slab [of rock]
II. Que Bien Suena
When one word ends in a consonant and the next begins with a vowel, the words are linked and not separated with glottal stops [?]. The linked words ALSO respect the rule of preferred open vowels. SO:
un alma = [u.nal.ma]
los olmos = [lo.sol.mos]
remember to combine the consonants if a word ends with a consonant and the following word begins with the same one
el lago [e.la.go]
es Sara [e.sa.ra]
same thing happends when you end/start on the same vowel
este estudiante [es.tes.tu.djan.te]
río Orinoco [ri.o.ri.no.co]
you make the vowel above a little longer than normal vowels, but not 2x as long. You can note the increased duration with a :
va a hacer bien [ba.ser.bjen] / [ba:.ser.bjen]
double consonants are also reduced to one within words, example:
innecesario = [i.ne.ce.sa.rjo]
dipthongs can be formed between words
casi olvidado = [ca.sjol.vi.da.do]
esta idea = [es.tai.de.a]
siete u ocho [sje.te.wo.cho]
la unidad [lau.ni.dad]
(Finished on pg 63)
9:14AM: Start reading.
9:36AM: Lookup vocab words
9:39AM: Begin Reading Que Bien Suena
10:12AM: Finish