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Spanish Study Log 2 - The Imperative Mood Notes

I. Read 3 Chapters of Spanish Short Stories Book.

II. Go over imperative conjugation

III. Listen to audio clips (youtube 10 mins)



I. Spanish Short Stories Book (50 minutes)

Ríndete - "Surrender!"

(Rendirse = give up)

mantenerlo a salvo. - to keep it safe

una coleta - a ponytail

el pasillo - espacio largo y estrecho de un edificio o una casa que comunica unas estancias con otras. (an aisle)

la puerta trasera - the back door

el sótano - the basement

la ametralladora - the machine gun

una bombilla - a light bulb

una alfombra - carpet / rug

un mozo - a kid / a dude (Google translate incorrectly says that this means "waiter")

cabello rojizo - redish hair

era muy saludable - he was very healthy

"normalmente, actuaba con timidez" - normally, he would act in a shy way

el mostrador - a counter (of a store)

la nariz quebrada - the fractured nose

Capítulo 2

el anciano menudo - el viejo pequeño

Lily sujetó su bolso marrón - Lily held her brown bag.

El anciano señaló el bolso - The old man pointed to the bag

me atraparán - They will catch me

la embajada - The Embassy

confiar en mí - Trust me.

Él alargó la mano para alcanzarlo. - He extended the hand to reach it.

Con la otra mano le cogió la muñeca - with the other hand she took his wrist.

usted entró en mi casa por la fuerza. - you broke in

fallar - to fail

el alrededor - the surrounding area

está mintiendo - He is lying.

la sobrina - the niece

Si les ganamos a los nazis - if we beat the nazis,

David le apunta con una pistola - David points a gun at him.

Capítulo 3

un almacén vacío - an empty warehouse

conseguí la carpeta. - I got the folder.

la mitad - the half

un fracaso - resultado adverso en una cosa que se esperaba sucediese bien. (a failure)

volver a salir - to go out again

traicionar - cometer traición contra una persona, idea, doctrina, etc. - (to betray)

Lo acercó a sí misma - he brought it closer to himself

II. Go over imperative conjugation (about 40 mins)

Source of information:

A. Affirmative tú commands

To form an affirmative tú command with ar verbs, add the third person singular ending -a to the stem.


Compra la camisa - "buy the shirt"

For er, and ir, use the third person singular ending -e.

aprende español - "Learn Spanish"

escribi el ensayo - "Write the essay."

Note: Keep the stem changes


Cerrar - cierra la puerta.

Mover - Mueve esas sillas.

Incluir - incluye tus datos aquí.

Irregular Affirmative Tú Commands

Verb Affirmative Tú Command Form
ir ve
tener ten
venir ven
hacer haz
decir di
poner pon
salir sal

Pronouns are attached to the end of affirmative commands. If two pronouns are used than a tilde is used to mark the verb's original stress. Example:

cómpraselo - buy it for him.

B. Negative Informal "Tú" Commands

Use "no" and the present subjunctive second person conjugation.

comprar - no compres
aprender - no aprendas
escribir - no escribas

If the verb is irregular in present subjunctive, the informal command keeps the same irregularlity.

No hagas la tarea.
No seas injusto.

Pronouns are placed between the negative word (no or nunca) and the verb, i.e.:

Nunca les compres dulces a los niños. Never buy candy for the children.
Nunca se los compres. - Never buy it for them.

C. Formal Affirmative and Negative Commands

Usted and ustedes commands are the same as the present subjunctive ud. and uds. forms.

Hablar - hable, hablen
Comer - coma, coman
Vivir - viva, vivan

Pronouns are placed at the end of the formal command, i.e:

Tráigamelo - Bring it to me.
Mírelo - Look at it.

Negative Formal Commands

Just add a negative word like "no" to the beginning of the formal affirmative command.

No saquen sus libros.
No ponga su bolsa aqui.
No vengan.

Pronouns are placed inbetween the negative word and the verb.

Nunca se los compre.

D. Nosotros Commands

There are two types of nosotros commands:

i) Subjunctive form commands.
ii) Vamos a + infinitive commands.

Nosotros commands with the subjunctive:

Trabajemos juntos. - Let's work together
Comamos aquí. - Let's eat here.
Leamos los periódicos - Let's read the newspapers.
Vamos al restaurante. - Let's go to the restaurant.

Note that the present indicative form is used for the verb ir

Nosotros commands with Vamos a + infinitive.

Vamos a ir a la playa. - Let's go to the beach.
Vamos a divertirnos - Let's have some fun.
Vamos a nadar - Let's go swim.

Negative Nosotros Commands

Put a no in front of the affirmative command.

No nademos. - Let's not swim.
No salgamos - Let's not leave.
Nunca vayamos allí. - Let's never go there.

Note that you DO use the present subjunctive form of the verb ir - "vayamos" - for negative commands

Pronoun placement for nosotros commands is a tad complicated. For the subjunctive command form you need to: drop the final -s from the verb; attach the pronoun to the end of the subjunctive command form, and accent the second-to last-syllable of the verb.


Sentemos + nos => sentémonos aquí. - Let's sit here.
Hagamos + se + la => hagámosela. - Let's make it for her.
Vamos + nos => Vámonos - Let's go.

For the vamos a + infinitive form, just attach the pronoun to the end of the infinitive as usual.

Vamos a sentarnos aquí - Let's sit here.
Vamos a dormirnos - Let's go to sleep.

For negative commands, pronouns are placed between the negative word and before the verb.

No lo comamos - Let's not eat it.
No se le demos - Let's not give it to them.

E. "Que" Commands and Infinitive Commands

Indirect commands are given "through a third party or to an unspecified recipient."

To form a que command write "Que + present subjunctive"

Que pase. - Let him in.
Que me llamen. - Have them call me.
Que tenga un buen dia. - Have a good day.
Que no vea mi madre. - Don't let my mother see.
Que venga el cliente. - Have the client come in.
Que ponga Anita la camisa Negra. - Have Anita wear the black shirt.
Que lo haga. - Have him do it.

Infinite Commands

Just use the infinitive, no conjugating. These are the commands that would be written on a sign or in a set of instructions, but one would not use these while telling a specific someone else to do something.

No pisar el césped - No walking on the grass.
Mezclar los ingredients en un tazón. - Mix the ingredients in a bowl.
No fumar. - No smoking.
Ver las notas abajo. - See the notes below.
Batir los huevos. - Beat the eggs.

III. Spanish Listening Exercise (15 min)

Coronavirus Spanish Listening Exercise


Some vocab:

cueste lo que cuesete - whatever it takes
un cumplido - a compliment
la verguenza - embarrassment
un morciélago - a bat
un pangolin - a scaly ant-eater
las cifras - the numbers

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