Very Secure

Guitar Practice Log 4 - "Relax faster" With Notes on Chord Progressions

I. Warmup
1. (RH) String Crossing - Alternative i & m up and down strings 4x per string 3x, 2x, 1x... (120bpm)
2. (LH) Spider Crawl whole neck (Ascend high e and then descend B, try not to look) (60bpm - focus on concentration)
3. (LH) Chromatic scale in first position, paying attention to pinky legato.

II. Music Theory
1. Proofread yesterday's open fingerings
2. Take notes on chord progressions and what scales to solo over them, specifically minor chord progressions.

III. Technique Development
1. Left hand legato pink placement. Play A Major and E Major open scales (51bpm but only 1npb)
2. Tremolo PAMI
- 60 bpm Legato
- Rotate accent (P, A, M, I, No Accent)
- 60 bpm Sticatto
- 60 bpm Ascending / Descending thumb.
3. Double Notes (Play with dynamics between p and ima)

IV. New Repertoire
1. Go over Bourree by Bach first 16 measures.

V. Repertoire Review

1. Mauro Giuliani C Major Piece incorporating double notes.



I. Warmup

String Crossing (3min) - upon descending I don't always drop my finger lower enough to reach the higher pitch string.
Spider Crawl (6 min) - Pay attention to moving the right hand in accordance with the left hand.
Chromatic Scale (4 min) Noticeable improvement on pinky placement. Focus on not extending fingers instead let them return to the string through relaxation.

II. Music Theory

1. Proofread open fingerings - I noticed I missed bolding a root. Corrected. (15 min)
2. Minor Key Chord Progressions (20 min)

The minor key chord progressions are just the shifted version of the relative Major Key.

So for CMaj / aminor

I. C Major (tonic)
ii. d minor (supertonic)
iii. e minor (mediant)
IV. F Major (subdominant)
V. G Major (dominant)
vi. a minor (submediant)
viio. b diminished (leading tone)

If we start on a minor chord the progression is:1

i. a minor
ii. b diminished
III. C Major
iv. d minor
v. e minor
VI. F Major
VII. G Major

III. Technique

1. Pinky Legato - (10 min) (good improvement!)

2. Tremolo (1 hr 4 min)- Notes from Watching Pepe Romero video:

1. The return of the finger to prepare for the next pluck is done via relaxation. The return of the finger to its position is subconscious. Only the plucking of the string is conscious.
2. You should mentally group the tremolo as "AMIP" not "PAMI"
3. I stumbled upon Pepe Romero's video on Rasqueado. This is the technique where you fan out the fingers. The interesting part of this technique is that you need to have the finger's flexers completely relaxed the entire time, which is the opposite of normal guitar playing where you are always tensing the flexers to pluck notes.

New Repertoire Practice: (about 1hr)

Repertoire Review - Skipped.


Lots of distraction despite having turned off my phone. But the tips from Romero were a good discovery.

  1. I'm not sure the names of the roman numerals for the minor chord progression, but I believe they are: tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, subtonic []

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