Very Secure

AlphaZero Dubiousness

Call me the konspiracy theorist, but I am very dubious about the publications of Google regarding AlphaGo and AlphaZero. AlphaGo famously beat Lee Sedol in a large heavily publicized show-match. However, as someone who does know Go past the basic rules, I cannot make judgements about the gameplay played at that level. And I wouldn't put it past Google to create a grand sham to dupe its search engine cattle.

Stockfish is impressive because you can download the code, and be amazed yourself on a rudimentary laptop. AlphaN seems to be behind a closed curtain, and we are required to trust an untrustworthy company about the authenticity of their accomplishments.

One Response to “AlphaZero Dubiousness”

  1. [...] will never have the resources to be able to confirm themselves. This is the Big Science. This is Google's supercomputer powered AI. This is the LIGO experiment. This is CERN. This is the Manhattan Project. This is the images from [...]

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