Very Secure

V Study Reference Links

October 15th, 2019

My master diana_coman has assigned me the task of creating a report on my understanding of V that includes a with my own annotations. I have collected related links for my reference as well as for the reference for anyone else on a similar path. I will update this post as I locate more material.

  1. ben_vulpes's V-tronics 101: A gentle introduction to The Most Serene Republic of Bitcoin's cryptographically-backed version control system 1
    1. mp's ode to V / ode to Genesis patch2
    2. mp's v manual genesis.
    3. mod6's perl v
  2. esthlos's a v-tron, a cl V he made himself. He has many updates to this vtron that are found on his homepage.
  3. asciilifeform's v.py3
  4. A note from spyked's blog about the shortcoming of
  5. trinque's v-manifest spec draft4
  6. mp's A new software licensing paradigm
  1. This post has links to other useful material some of which I include on this post as well. []
  2. link dead at time of writing mod6 has fixed the link. []
  3. This was written by asciilifeform but I only have found phf's signature. There is a patch by phf to have asciilifeform's use vtools. []
  4. Linking archived version until trinque recovers his blog. []

Differences Between English-Spanish Pronunciation Part 3 - Diphthongs

October 13th, 2019

This is my notes from the information found on 123teachme. There they also list example words with sound files.

A diphthong1 is formed in Spanish when the unaccented vowel i or u proceeds or follows another vowel, or a y follows a vowel. Attaching an i adds a "y" sound, attaching u adds a "w" sound.2

No diphthong is formed during a combination of two of the following vowels: a, e, o.

  1. two vowels glided together and pronounced within the same syllable []
  2. The Spanish y is said, i believe, with putting the tip of your tongue towards the bottom of your mouth by the gum of your bottom teeth. This is in contrast to English where the tip stays neutral or even goes up towards the roof of the mouth when making the "y" sound. []

What I Find Worthy of My Time

October 13th, 2019

whaack: asciilifeform: following from I am considering submitting to training under diana_coman, but before I pulled the trigger I thought I should stop here and ask if you feel it would be wiser for me to submit to training under you. Is this something you are interested in, and if so what would be required of me for you to take me?

asciilifeform: whaack: i can't answer this w/out knowing ~something~ about your interests1

whaack: asciilifeform: Okay, I think that itself deserves a blog post. The short answer is: programming ( have enjoyed going through SICP quite a bit, although its on hold, I want to learn how to program faster to eat through lots of saltmine work quickly), cryptography (i want to have trb "fit in head"), learning 2nd language (Spanish) , playing the guitar

And now for the long(er) answer. My six main interests are:

(1) Academic and TMSR Related - programming, cryptography,2 Spanish, and reading
(2) Non-Academic / Non-TMSR Related - guitar and surfing

For each of these I describe:

i) My relevant history.
ii) Why i want to pursue the interest.
iii) My related future goals.

I Programming

i) History

I first started programming when I was twelve-years-old. Since then I have done a number of personal projects, learned a few programming languages, got a bachelors at MIT, worked in the startup circus, and interned at various USG corps (including Goolag.) There is more detail I can go into with my programming history than my other interests, so I will save the expanded CV for another post.

ii) Why

I like the problem solving aspect of programming as well as the rewards of automation. It is incredible to be able to construct strings that can affect the physical universe.

Another reason I program is it is a way to whore out for cash. I sometimes enjoy programming for saltmines work, just like an actual whore might enjoy sleeping with some of her clients. But the goal is to get a large slice of the easy credit pie.

iii) Future Goals

I want to develop my programming ability in two different areas. One is improving my understanding of programming related topics by getting the CS education I should have received while at MIT. A good start for this would be: reading through the great books, completing the FFA series, and writing my own V. The other separate skill I want to develop is the ability to prostitute myself efficiently. I would like to learn how to make big bucks by quickly putting together websites/apps/what have you. This has to do with self-marketing and entrepreneurship as much as it does with programming.

II Cryptography

i) History

I first learned about the field of cryptography through reading a magazine called 2600. I read about RSA, but the math behind the algorithm was an enigma to me. I knew only that it had something to do with prime numbers and modular arithmetic.

Later in my discrete math course3 at MIT we went through the entirety of the algorithm. The same year I learned RSA in college, I got my first bitcoins. After successfully transacting with them, I figured that the blockchain4 was an important discovery5 and started investigating. Not too long after MtGox collapsed I learned about bitcoin-assets. I read How to airgap. A practical Guide. as well as a qntra post The Hard Fork Missle Crisis.6 It became clear that tmsr was the only place where anyone knew wtf they were talking about regarding bitcoin. Thus the logs became my source of information for everything related to cryptography.

ii) Why

One, cryptography gives the tools that allow a human to be an individual rather than a cell of neoplasm. I don’t want to be a helpless dependent to the person who programs the tools i use - be it gpg or my bitcoin wallet.

Two, bitcoin is what is important in our world. And true to the slogan, I want to work on what matters, so I matter too.

iii) Future Goals

Much of my goals with cryptography are the same as my goals with programming. I would like to better understand the cryptography tools that I use by doing the relevant reading and writing my own versions of RSA, V, SHA256, and ECDSA. This knowledge would then be used to contribute to tmsr by being less of a liability while creating new tools.

III Spanish

i) History

I took Spanish from 6th grade of middle school up until junior year of high school. Throughout that time, I and most of my teachers did not intend for me to ever actually learn the language. Like most I would only plan to memorize a week’s worth of ~20 vocabulary cards and a new grammar rule for the week's test. I didn’t quite grok how in civilized society being monolingual stamps one as uneducated.

My quest to not be ESLtarded began in my last year at MIT. I signed up for a Spanish class with the intention of actually trying to learn the language. I started using Duolingo and went through all of their exercises multiple times. I lived in Tamarindo, Costa Rica for a year.

I set out goals for myself for learning Spanish, but I have been far from steadfast in completing them. Currently, I am reading Por Quien Doblan Las Campañas by Hemingway and adding words I don’t know to Anki.7 When I’m in routine mode I try to add 30 words a day, and review all my past words. I have made about 1,200 flashcards this way.

ii) Why

I began learning Spanish for the sake of being bilingual. I want to expand the capacity of my mind by allowing it to model situations in a language other than English. I also want to develop the discipline that is necessary to learn a second language.

Of course there is an appreciation of the social benefit of learning a second language. The apartment I am renting in Costa Rica would have been unavailable to me had I been unable to converse with the Spanish speaking owners. It costs about half the price I would pay for an equivalent apartment through a gringo facing website like airbnb.

iii) Future Goals

My study goals are laid out in my fixing my affliction of monoligiusm post. There I detail specific time commitments I would like to give each day to vocab, grammar, etc. I have fallen behind on those goals, but it may not be too late for me to repent and catch up. One major change that should occur from moving to my move to CR is having my mechanical vocab study become secondary to having real world interactions in Spanish.

After reaching an acceptable level of fluency in Spanish, I would like to learn a third language. I will most likely choose a language that uses a different alphabet, such as Japanese or Russian.

IV Reading

i) History

Growing up I read little more than Harry Potter and the books required for school. Like most dumb children in usaschwitz, I believed that skimming articles on the internet8 sufficed for reading. Luckily for me, I eventually stumbled upon trilema. I saw for myself the ability that a superior intellect could obtain from reading copious numbers of books.

I began to read somewhat regularly. I learned how slow a reader I was and how much trouble I had with concentration. My wpm reading was low and I usually could only go ~fifteen minutes without my mind wandering off. But I started to push through more and more books. I got a lot of pleasure through reading. It became easier, and a 200 page book turned into a one day rather than one week endeavor.

ii) Why

The rewards of reading are clear so I won't belabor the obvious but instead just mention the important points. Reading allows one to learn much faster than one can learn from a lecture in a classroom. In terms of raw data transfer, a speaker can only talk at roughly 100wpm while an average reader can digest a book at 400wpm. Reading lots of different material helps one fight against the 'you don't know what you don't know' problem. Going through a few books on an activity before doing it can, in just a few hours, give one the knowledge a previous expert spent their lifetime obtaining.

iii) Future Goals

I would like to read more and comprehend better through the following means. First, by keeping a list of books I have read and writing a summary for each one. The summary could include whether or not I believe that this book is worth rereading, and then if it is, a timeline for rereading the book. Second, by improving my system for choosing my next book. Lastly, by improving my reading technique. I still sound out the majority of words I read; perhaps killing that bad habit and building other ones could help me read more books.

V Guitar

i) History

I picked up the guitar in Costa Rica because my neighbor had one lying around. The guitar quickly began my preferred way to waste time. I've been playing now for about a year and a half, and for a decent amount of that time I was practicing for an hour daily. I have given two abysmal live performances during open mics in Tamarindo. I play fingerstyle on an acoustic guitar with an appreciation for all genres but a preference for classical and flamenco.

ii) Why

Playing the guitar gets me more out of my leisure time. It gives a road to travel down where I can always improve myself. It teaches myself self-discipline and muscle control. Performing in front of people gives me a way to train handling my nerves. And jamming with others is a great way to have fun and make friends.

iii) Future Goals

I would like to learn how to site read music, this is a skill that every other musician learns but is often neglected for the guitar. Other than that, my goal is to use the guitar as a device for training my ability to focus. So my goal for the guitar is simply to create a practice regiment and stick to it. I hope that as I improve my self discipline with the guitar my discipline will increase in other areas of life.

VI Surfing

i) History

I have been swimming in the ocean for as long as I can remember. My parents had a tiny beach house on Fire Island, a barrier island in New York off the coast of Long Island. I learned to body surf and boogied board there. For a short period I also surfed, although the waves mostly broke on the sand so this was not so feasible.

When I first arrived in Costa Rica, I had a lot of free time. I was in Tamarindo, where the economy is based around surf tourism. So I started surfing everyday and became amigos with arguably the best surfers in town. I spent a year enjoying the hedonism. I made new friends and girlfriends and traveled to spots all along the west coast of Costa Rica as well as to Peru and Nicaragua.

ii) Why

Surfing is one of the most enjoyable activities I've done in my life. The time between catching waves spaces dopamine kicks obtained from riding them into nice intervals. Surfing stays entertaining because every wave is a different experience. It also keeps me in great shape.

iii) Future Goals

My goals with surfing are more based around aspects of surfing to avoid. There is a dark side of surfing. It's an easy way to escape from problems in life. You have to do this important job X? Oh well the waves are calling, there's a swell and it may not be here again for months, btw why don't you smoke a joint before and after? The other problem with surfing is that the sun takes quite a toll on your skin. I visually aged during the year I spent surfing, and if I'm not careful I could wind up with skin cancer. Thus my aim with surfing is to use it as a meditative exercise that I do during sunrise or sunset.


These are the main areas I enjoy and I'd like to develop myself in.9 The next step after this post is to evaluate the amount of time I should invest in my different interests and create concrete goals with timelines for them.

  1. I was surprised that while looking for a master to train under my interests were considered. There's ample writing in the republicsphere on how learning comes from being forced to do what's uncomfortable instead of from following your feelings. Why should an educator care about what their student is interested in? []
  2. I considered combining this category with programming. There is a lot of overlap between the two, since having control of your computer is a necessary requirement for doing work with crytography. I decided to keep them separate since there are aspects of programming separate from cryptography, and I didn't want to create an entire new category for those aspects. []
  3. taught by Albert Meyer []
  4. the blockchain. not blockchain technologees []
  5. Since at least high school I was dubious about the legitimacy of the USG’s financial system. I have always been shocked how heathens spend their lives chasing money without putting a drop of effort to learn about money itself. []
  6. Unavailable at the time of writing. []
  7. Anki is a flash card app that claims to have an optimal algorithm for spacing out cards you are learning to minimize the amount of time you need to memorize a large set []
  8. from USG spamsites, as I would later learn []
  9. Another one that I didn't mention is writing, which perhaps could be categorized with reading. []

Seoul, Korea

October 12th, 2019

The airport in Seoul was inconvenient. We tried to buy train tickets to our place in Donggyo-Dong, but the machines only accepted cash in Won. We looked for a bank or a currency exchange booth, but they were all closed (it was ~10pm) So we were forced to take a cab.


Our taxi drivers in Seoul varied in style. Some cab drivers were patient, always stopping before yellow lights and staying within the speed limit. But one cab driver that took us home from a club treated red lights as merely suggestions.

Seoul had more of a night life compared to Kyoto. There is a culture of beauty there based around plastic surgery and generous use of makeup. The popular look for Korean women is an application of makeup that creates snow white skin and red lips. Yes, the Koreans look photoshopped. But they embrace their superficial culture. They have a term in Korean, aegyo (애교), for when a person pretends to be cute.

I ate a lot of meat in Seoul. There are many restaurants where either you cook the food yourselves or it is cooked right in front of you. This one had an ugly tube that sucked up the heat and smoke from the grill.


They have a horrible system here where tables have buttons you press to call the waiter. When you press them a loud beep sounds and your table number appears on a screen. The waiter, who always looks pissed off, comes over to take your order. They will not come to your table to refill water or for any other circumstance other than you having pressed the button.

You will be waiting for a while for your check if you forget to press this.

We saw posters for this 17-year-old emo pop idol Billie Eilish everywhere.


We wandered into what appeared to be a children’s toy store. They had multiple floors of weird shit with huge screens playing cartoon ads for the store.





The toystore had an "adult" section upstairs. Seeing as we were in a toy store, we figured this may be a mistranslation, but we went upstairs to investigate. We were prompted for our IDs when we reached the top floor.

Here we have standard equipment.


And comfort for the lonely anime enthusiast.


A helpful diagram.


Later we indulged in the traditional Korean dish of ice cream waffles.



After stuffing ourselves with those waffles we went on a food tour throughout a street market where we met some German ladies and a sign interpreter1 from Minnesota.

We ate some live octopus. Chop sticks are difficult to use when your food is using its suckers to stick itself to the plate.

Afterwards we went with the Germans to karaoke. We found an alcohol free teenager spot. Almost everything there was written in Korean and the person working desk spoke ~no English. But we managed to figure out how to rent a room for an hour. The room had two microphones and this hand held device that let you pick songs, change effects on the mic, etc. Everything on the device was written in Korean. We clicked around and eventually found the section with pop songs in English. Among others we found Bad Guy by Billie Eilish.


The next day we journeyed to the Gyeongbokgung Palace.


Then to an old village with traditional architecture.


That night we went out drinking. Beware of the sweet soju. On our last day there I woke up at 2:30pm.2. We went on a tour of Gangnam.

Here is a bookstore. True to the superficial Korean culture, the books on the shelves are merely frames of books and not actual books.


We walked by a pop up Kpop concert. No one but the performers were dancing. We also saw a monument to one of Youtube’s most watch videos.


Only a few hundred meters away from the kpop concert was a tranquil Buddhist temple.

We got a view of the Han river and the Lotte World Tower.


They have a street with a monument to all the biggest kpop bands.


And one for Psy, Gangnam's king.


Next up, Tokyo!

  1. I learned that different countries have different sign languages. And sign languages do not directly correspond to a spoken language, they're languages with their own grammar. []
  2. I normally wake up at 6am and have been waking up in Asia at around 7:30am. Thank you soju. []


October 10th, 2019

The little hut known as was engulfed by the flames of the recent fire within tmsr. This blog now temporarily lives in enemy territory while I wait for republic lands to return to their inhabitable state.

Previous blog posts should be restored shortly.

UPDATE: Previous posts have been salvaged from the fire.1

  1. Thanks to BingoBoingo saving my ass with the help of trinque. []

Kyoto, Japan

October 2nd, 2019

Note: This is meant to be a picture post. But I failed to do a systems check on my blog before heading out, so I don't have the ability to upload photos. Consequently, the picture part of this picture post will have to wait until I get back.

UPDATE: Photos uploaded.

My 28 hour journey from NYC to Kyoto was made pleasurable by enjoying the superiority of Japanese transit. This began with Japan airlines.


The stewardesses on Japan airlines spoke in such a soft gentle manner that it was nice to hear any announcement they had to make. The main course meal they served was notbad for airplane food, certainly better than anything I have ever had on a US airline. They also had red wine bottles as a standard free drink, which the passenger sitting next to me took full advantage of.

After about thirteen hours of flying, we arrived in Tokyo Narita airport. We took a local train to another station to get on the famous bullet train.



While waiting for the local train I noticed that different trains arriving on our track were coming/going from different directions. While on the train, they announced that after a certain station cars 1-p would split off into one direction and p+1-n would go in another. A nice feature of the disassembling, multi-direction-track train was little lockers for your luggage. luggagelock

They announced that should you forget your combo, you would need to ride the train all the way to the terminal station to get your bag.

The bullet train station had floor diagrams of how to stand in line for the arriving trains.



What's the point of making a train hit 300km/h if it loses time to dorks shuffling into the cars at every station?


Our white privilege was checked by Kyoto's dangerously low entryway height. We have a running counter of how many times we have each banged our forehead on some doorway our trip. My counter is already at 4.

In Kyoto, there are vending machines everywhere.



The first site seeing we did was the Kiyomizu Temple.













We did this tour through "the womb" where you are taken through a completely pitch-black tunnel, guided by holding a handrail. The spiritual experience was ruined by a child screaming ahead of us.

Off the beaten path near the temple was a large graveyard.





"Not bad for a canned coffee from a vending machine in a graveyard"


Oh hey it's my neighbor Totoro


Next up was a World War II memorial.














Throughout everywhere they have flowing water with ladles you use to pour the water on your hands as some sort of spiritual cleanse.











Appalling littering on shrines or liquid donations to the dead?


Money is thrown into all sorts of things for good luck.


Now this is what I call a flower.


We went to some street market after temple seeing. Have you tried Melonpan?






The next day we went to a bamboo forest.



Not pictured: around here they have carriages for couples - but instead of being pulled by horses they are pulled by young, fit Japanese men.

Next up, the Tenry-ji Temple and garden.





The gravel in front of this pond is raked in neat lines. A tourist stepped over the fence and a police officer came running to throw them out, and called in the incident so that the gravel would be reraked.


After walking about in the heat we decided to check out an Onsen, a Japanese bathhouse. These are nude-required and tattooed-person-banned "hot springs." The land of 100 dicks had a bunch of different stations: a normal shower, jacuzzis with massage jets, muddy "hot spring' water, a freezing cold pool "the shrinker', a sauna, and a massage room. I paid thirty bucks extra to get the massage. But instead of the borderline sexual experience I was hoping for, I was scrubbed down furiously by an older Korean woman. I can't say I felt particularly relaxed afterwards, but I did feel clean.

That night we went to a bar where the bartenders are incentivized to make the cocktails nice.



Our last day in Kyoto was spent at the orange gates. They did an exhibit of this once in Central Park in NYC when I was younger.

But first, conveyer belt sushi. The way this works is that each different colored plate has a different price. When you're done eating they tally up all the plates you have to pay.



We also stumbled upon a University campus on our way to the orange gates.











It's a decent hike up, as you get closer to the top there are more opportunities for pics without hundreds of people in the gates.



And that wraps it up for Kyoto, next up Seoul, Korea.

Past TMSR Work, Potential Future TMSR Work

September 22nd, 2019

My contributions to the republic, while having spent years twiddling my thumbs reading the logs, are as follow:

1. 5 Qntra posts, found here: 1

My first post was an inside perspective of MIT's "blockchain" curriculum. It confirmed what the republic already knew, namely that there was no interesting work going on at MIT re bitcoin, and any "work" being done there was hostile towards republican interests. Two other posts were tabloidal, making fun of pantsuitism. And the last two posts were reports on Coinbase shenanagins during the bitcoin cash hard fork.

2. Setting up my own trb bitcoin node. (failed)

There was naivety in my attempts to setup a running bitcoin node. When I first attempted to setup a node, I tried to get it goig on an old unused laptop. One mistake was believing that 2gb of ram is enough to get a timely block sync. I had thought at the time that the only bottleneck to getting a node up to speed was downloading the blocks, and I did not intuit the time it takes to locally verify all the blocks along the way2 I later attempted to sync a node on a dedicated machine hosted by,3 paying a little over $100 usd per month. I can't quite recall what happened, but I think around block 350,000 it got stuck. Later, without trying to reboot bitcoind, I decided to cut my expense with dreamhost and gave up on running a full node.

3. Researching how many bitcoins are tied up in P2SH4 (failed)

The goal was getting an upper bound of how many coins are in anyone-can-spend scripts in order to answer the question: how many coins are in addresses related to segwit?

To do this, I first used ben_vulpes's block explorer5 to grab sexprs containing the data for every block. This was obtained by looping from 0...max_block_height and running
wget -0{n}
where {n} was the block number. While I was running a loop performing this task I noticed that occasionally ben's block explorer would give me some malformed file - and I had to simply re-wget the same url until i got back a properly formatted sexpr. It took a while to download all the blocks from Ben (even though I was not verifying them) and so I paid for a digitalocean droplet to run my scraper script on.6

Once I had blocks 0..n, I ran a script7 that would go through a chunk of blocks and keep an ongoing hashmap mapping "(txn hash, output number) -> num_satoshis_sent_to_output" for all the outputs in the block that were sent to non-trb conforming addresses. For each new block, the script would first iterate through the txns in the block to see if any of them spent the coins in the ongoing hashmap obtained from all the previous blocks. If a txn in the new block consumed one of the P2SH UTXOs that was being stored, that UTXO would be deleted from the ongoing hashmap. Once the purge of transaction outputs that had just been spent was completed, the script reiterated through the new block's txns to add any txn outputs that were directed to non-trb P2SH's to the ongoing hashmap. After iterating through all the blocks, one could calculate how many satoshis were in non-trb addresses by summig up all the values in the obtained hashmap.

I don't recall at what point/why I just faded away and stopped working on this tool. It may have been because I hit a problem with running out of memory for storing all the segwit UTXOs. It was an interesting investigation and perhaps the republic would still find a counter of coins that are contained in non-trb addresses useful. Which brings us to part two of this post:

Potential Future TMSR Work

diana_coman: whaack_pura_vida: that8 is obsolete so not a lot of help in itself; nobody is going to make the list ready for you to pick and choose, wtf.
diana_coman: whaack_pura_vida: publish what you figure out by Sunday together with *how you went about* the figuring out

My initial internal response to diana_coman was " (1) why is that a ridiculous expectation since there previously was a list of entry points? and (2) how is that list obsolete if a young hand such as shrysr is digesting V, which is more or less a task on that list?"

The best answer I can come up with to my own questions are "Yes, a list was once generously made, but doesn't mean that lords have time to keep an up to date task list for noobs. That post was THREE YEARS AGO and now there are new tasks to do - which you must find yourself. The current task list may or may not coincide with the three year old post, you have to have read the logs to find out."

With that being said, and keeping with the "how you went about figuring out", here is a list of potential tasks, with an annotation denoting how/why I came to choose that task.

1. Creating my own V9
2. Related to 1, taking up the task of maintaining a vpatch viewer10
3. Creating a new trb block explorer11
4. Continuing fighting the war on Segwit, first by completing the task of sizing up the coins held in P2SH. 12
5. Learning ADA and completing Stan's FFA series.13

Tasks (3) and (4) seems the most interesting to me, but I believe the v-related tasks (1) and (2) should be my starting point.

  1. These were edited by BingoBoingo, and one was improperly formatted wthen sent to him. So these contributions may have even been net negative depending on how much time BingoBoingo had to spend to correcret my mistakes. []
  2. My intuition was likely skewed because my first experience with running a bitcoin node was using power ranger software which used SPV, effectively making my computer search for the longest chain instead of the longest valid chain. []
  3. Originally I had thought, what help is it to run a node on someone else's iron? I still believe it is not that useful, you are only temporarily increasing the redundancy of the bitcoin network, but at any moment the enemy can flip a switch and you go offline. Adding a node to pizarro also has dubious utility, because from my understanding the republic already has a few nodes there at and []
  4. pay to script hash []
  5. dead at time of writing []
  6. This was also discontinued when I did some cleaning out of expenses. And I wiped everything off the droplet without first taking a local copy. []
  7. A lot of CL weird and sloppy code. Some of it is copy and pasted from code Ben was using to analyze his own block explorer. []
  8. []
  9. The initial idea was planted by the trilema post of entry to affairs. That being said, V seems a natural starting point for working with republican code. It demonstrates understanding of the tool required to publish and use any code in the republic []
  10. per the suggestion of trinque. []
  11. Found this may be useful by going through old tasks and noting that Ben's old block explorer mimisbrunnr had died. []
  12. I figure that the lords best spend their time fortifying their castle walls rather than going out to fight against nonsense like Segwit. But perhaps a noob could prove his worth by taking on this neglected task. []
  13. This task seems a useful start for the same reason the V tasks seem useful: to prepare a young hand by learning the tools used to contribute to the republic. In addition, from my understanding only a few have gone through any of Stan's series. But apart from the additional proofread, this is a personal development goal rather than a contribution. []

Differences Between English-Spanish Pronunciation Part 2 - The Five Main Vowels

September 13th, 2019

This post is my notes from a more detailed write up from the "Mimic Method" which comes with visual and audio aids. This only contains information on monophthongs - details of diphthongs and triphthongs and will come in a future part in this series.

There are five vowel sounds, and the alphabetic letters are the same as their corresponding phonetic letter [a] [e] [i] [o] [u].

One of the main differences between the Spanish vowels and their English equivalents is that the Spanish vowels are "short and crisp." They do not glide/change to a different sound as you say them. If you put your lips/mouth in the correction position, hold them there, and then perform a voiced sound1, you will get the right sound without having to alter the initial articulation. This is in contrast to some English vowels, like the o in "no" which glides something like a "w" as you say it.

A - The tongue is low and center, lips unrounded. You need to draw your tongue/jaw lower than when you make the ah sound in English words (like pot)

E - The tongue is at middle height and forward, lips unrounded. Be careful not to glide it to a y as we do in many English words such as "hey" and "bay".

I - The tongue is high and forward, lips unrounded. It is pronounced like the e's in the English word see.

O - The tongue is back and center, lips rounded.2

U - The tongue is back and high, lips rounded. Once again make sure not to curl the lips while saying the vowel.

Common Gringo Mistakes:

1. Closing/reducing/changing vowels: A, O, E. Each of the five (lone) vowels sound the same no matter where they are located in a word. When a gringo says nada they may say nah-duh. But the correct pronunciation has the A vowel the same both before and after the d.

2. Gliding vowels. Vowels (by themselves) in Spanish are never diphthongs. They are short sounds with an articulation that remains constant.

3. Lip rounding of vowels. Don't have your o's and u's morph to w's, like they do in the English for the words "no" and "Sue".

  1. release air through your lungs while "vibrating" your throat, as one always does when making a vowel. []
  2. The lips being rounded is not all that important since the vowel is defined by the tongue position. You certainly shouldn't have your lips rounding as you say the word, as mentioned before with the word "no" []

Differences Between English-Spanish Pronunciation Part 1 - Differences in stops d k t p

September 5th, 2019

This is part 1 of a series that goes through all of the major differences of pronunciation between Spanish and English. It assumes the reader knows a little bit of knowledge of phonetic1 lingo and knows some very basic Spanish pronunciation - like that i is pronounced ee as in see and that ll is pronounced like an English y. To begin:

d and t:

In English, d and t are both stops2 that are created by placing the tongue on the alveolar ridge.3 In Spanish, d and t are also stops, but they have a less forceful explosion of air, and the tongue blocks the airflow by being placed on the upper teeth instead of on the alveolar ridge. Relatedly, the stops in Spanish are not aspirated as they are in English.4 So in English we say tea [thi] en español se dice ti [ti].

p and /k/ (k or hard c):

p and /k/ have the same oral articulation in Spanish as they do in English. The difference is that -once again- in Spanish there is the release of air at the end of the stops is gentle and the stops are not aspirated.

  1. If you know nothing about phonetics or the IPA system I recommend A Practical Introduction to Phonetics by Catford - The book contains a series of exercises that helps you learn how to make sounds found in languages/accents from all over the world []
  2. A stop is a consonant where the sound is created by blocking airflow and then releasing upon pressure build up. In English, p and b are stops that block airflow via the lips, while k,t, and d block airflow with the tongue. []
  3. If you don't know what the alveolar ridge is, take a minute to gain some anatomy awareness by slowly dragging your tongue from your top teeth up to the roof of your mouth back and forth. Do this a few times to get the feel for the shape of your mouth. Then start again from the top teeth. Just as you pass the gums you will find your tongue along a ridge like shape. This is the alveolar ridge. You can also find the alveolar ridge by silently thinking and mouthing the word dad while paying attention to where your tongue is. []
  4. Aspiration is when there is a pause between the explosion of the stop and the onset of the vibration of the following vowel. To test if you are aspirating your ti in Spanish, do the following exercise: rest your finger gently on your adam's apple and say the English Tea. Notice the delay between when you hear the T and when your throat starts vibrating for the vowel i. Now do the same for the Spanish ti. You should have no delay between the t and the i []

No hace falta que se lo diga

August 30th, 2019

I saw the sentence in the title of this post in my Spanish version of For Whom The Bell TollsPor quién doblan las campanas. It took me a minute to grok the meaning, since there are a few different grammar concepts packed into the sentence. Let's go over them.

1. Hace falta. If something "hace falta"'s , it literally makes a fault, which means it is necessary.

2. Decir is conjugated in the first person subjective.  The change in subject between the clauses connected with the "que" in the impersonal expression1

3. Se is used for various different reasons in Spanish. In this case, it is being used as an indirect object pronoun. One would use "le" for the singular third person/formal 2nd person, but since the direct object pronoun "lo" immediately follows, the le is converted to se.

Put those together and given the context, the translates to : "I don't need to tell it to you."

  1. This comes from the I in the acronym English speakers are generally taught (WEIRDO) which tells of the various cases where one uses the subjunctive in Spanish - Wishes, Emotions, Impersonal Expressions, Recommendations, Doubt/Denial, Ojalá []