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Guitar Practice Log 3 - With Open Fingerings for d,a,e,b,f#, and c# Minor Scales

I. Warmup (70bpm)
1. (RH) String Crossing - Alternative m & a up and down strings 4x per string 3x, 2x, 1x...
2. (LH) Spider Crawl whole neck (Ascend high e and then descend B, try not to look)
3. (LH) Chromatic scale in first position, paying attention to pinky legato.

II. Music Theory
Write out fingerings for Aeolian mode (relative minor) of open positions C,D,G,A,E,F,B Major scales.

III. Technique Developmentf
While focusing on pinky placement...
1. Picado 51bpm 2npb open position in Circle of Fifths Order: F,C,G,D,A,E,B Major Scales (w/ passing note except for B Major)
2. Tremolo PAMI
- 60 bpm Legato
- Rotate accent (P, A, M, I, No Accent)
- 60 bpm Sticatto
- 60 bpm Ascending / Descending thumb.
3. Double Notes (Rest stroke with thumb + free stroke with fingers)

IV. New Repertoire
1. Go over Bourree by Bach first 15 measures.

V. Repertoire Review
While paying close attention to dynamics:

1. Etude in C Major
2. Mauro Giuliani C Major Piece


Review of Session (Total Time: ~1hr 19min)

I Warmup (8 mins total)

2 mins String Crossing (Even sound, but I only used the flesh of my finger and no nail.)
6 mins Spider Crawl + Open Chromatic Scale

(Lots of problem with chromatic scale with buzzing, perhaps move it to technique development. Spider crawl revealed a problem in concentration - as I crawl down the neck I forget where I am because my mind wanders.)

II. Music Theory (28 mins) (TODO: Review below)


F Major; d minor

013 / 013 / 023 / 023 / 123 / 013

C Major; a minor

013 / 023 / 023 / 012 / 013 / 013

G major; e minor1

023 / 023 / 024 / 023 / 013 / 023

D Major; b minor

The passing note is conveniently the note in the harmonic minor scale.

023 / 024 / 024 / 023 / 023 / 023

A Major; f# minor - There's no passing note here.

024 / 024 / 024 / 124 / 235 / 245

E Major; c# minor

024 / 024 / 124 / 124 / 124 / 024

B Major; g# minor - I learned that I should use the 0 on the G string as the passing note.

024 / 124 / 124 / 013 / 024 / 024

III. Technique Development

Picado Scales (4min) (TODO: More pinky legato work, slower tempo, and dynamics)

Tremolo (11min)

I need to work on evenness in volume.

Double Notes (1 Min) This was useful. (TODO: Play with dynamics between thumb and ima)

IV. New Repertoire (18min)

Still needs some work, but progressing fine.

V. Repertoire Review - skipped.

TODO: Improve Giuliani C Major Piece by using rest strokes with the thumb for the double notes.

  1. I noticed that the passing note is not the raised seventh of the harmonic minor like it is in a few other scales. What if instead of using the 3 on the g string as a passing note, we use the 4 on the g string and then use 134 on the B string, with the 4 now being the new passing note which is also the note used for the harmonic minor scale? []

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